How would making the open uneven lies let the most skill full players do well?? Its just a lottery, you might as well make it a sweepstakes because how can you compensate for a shot like this, green lie with medium moving dots. AIMED OFF THE SCREEN RIGHT!! in 14 mph left to right wind and this happens!!
would you ever see a shot get effected like that on a nice smooth fairway in real life by decent players??? I'm not that goiod at golf, but even i could have hit ball straighter. At its current form, uneven lies is just CARTOON GOLF or crazy golf here in UK, a prestigious tournament shouldn't be made up of joke shots, should be our skill not wtf shots
MINIMAL LIE, hardly a moving dot on the screen and my 210 iron full spin goes this far!!
This uneven lie is just an excuse to place your ball any where on the course,While i'm at it the resulting shot left me 18 yards from pin on green lie with fast moving dots, i decided to use 33 yard pitch shot no spin and i get 10 yards. 80 yard wedge from a virtually flat lie in 16 mph tailwind and it goes 71 yards. Lottery golf
It took me just 6 holes to realize WHY I DONT PLAY UNEVEN LIES. COMICAL. Keep it, do any one from wgt actually test it?
Bethpage uneven lie ready go, might have well flushed $3 down the toilet, would have had a bigger satisfaction, yet WGT have INCREASED the amount of uneven lie ready go's, one or 2 maybe but FIVE! please dont take away the normal ready go's & replace them with lying golf