Just smacks of apprehension & consideration of reputation & ego to me more than anything else. I made a total fool of myself in some shots & rounds early on, but never quit, & got quite decent at it, but.... No one cares. Carry on with your flatland video game. Long as you remember what to do & where to do it, you're sure to score in the unreal zone. Never mind a real challenge. And yes, I know it's flawed, & we need stance control & fade/draw, yadda yadda yadda. Said it numerous times so that it couldn't be used in argument against the UL, but I keep reading it over & over. It is the same flawed for everyone; however if you manage the course well enough, it's almost regular lies anyway. Still no one wants to take a chance playing with a duffer master, so I will be on my way. Still play anyone, but I understand what's at stake is too big of a chance to take. Sad but true.
You really haven't a clue as to what type of person I am and just how big my ego may or may not be. I was posting about uneven lies on these forums a couple of years ago, I was suggesting back then that they were needed to bring the challenge back into the game. I have consistently argued that WGT are making the game too easy with the continual improvement in clubs and balls. I am all for a greater challenge and currently uneven lies is a far greater challenge.
That said it doesn't mean it cannot be improved and I am sure it will be with the feedback the players give WGT via these forums. If there's a better way of improving it, I'd love to know what it is?
I am not getting personal with you over a difference of opinion. I suggest you don't with me, particularly when you have no idea of what I am like as a person.