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Mon, May 20 2013 12:51 PM (51 replies)
  • TRutger
    133 Posts
    Sat, May 4 2013 11:53 AM

    The top 7 players on the leader board are in the low to mid FIFTY'S? So are they hacking the game AND throwing,"Carriers",on the rest of us? This game is so rigged it's offensive. Why is it you cant let the ability play the game? The third hole par three using a three wood with 20mph tail wind straight,left or right lands in the SAME spot in the front of the green rough three feet off the green as a shot into the same wind. Directions and speed. Explain that? The fourth hole green. Is an absolute joke. When you choose it to play that way. 

    How about a REAL GAME? PLEASE. 

  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Sat, May 4 2013 3:55 PM

    Why is it you cant let the ability play the game?

    you said a mouthful there rutger :)

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, May 4 2013 5:55 PM


    The top 7 players on the leader board are in the low to mid FIFTY'S? So are they hacking the game AND throwing,"Carriers",on the rest of us? This game is so rigged it's offensive. Why is it you cant let the ability play the game? The third hole par three using a three wood with 20mph tail wind straight,left or right lands in the SAME spot in the front of the green rough three feet off the green as a shot into the same wind. Directions and speed. Explain that? The fourth hole green. Is an absolute joke. When you choose it to play that way. 

    How about a REAL GAME? PLEASE. 

    If you played in the Open Qualifier you were playing from the Championship tees not your normal tee box. It's longer and the greens are faster than what you may expect. There is a way to play the course not in the qualifier, ranked or practice mode, so you can play off your normal tee box and have the green speed you may be used to playing. I can't remember right now which thread had it mentioned how to get onto the course that way. If I find it I'll post it here.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, May 4 2013 9:58 PM

    The best players are winning. Isn't that how it should be?

  • TRutger
    133 Posts
    Sun, May 5 2013 11:46 AM

    It's got nothing to do with where the tee box is. If you comprehend my post,please address it directly. 

  • TRutger
    133 Posts
    Sun, May 5 2013 11:55 AM

    Anyone carding a 53 on that qualifier is playing with a loaded deck. Bottom line is most of us are playing this game with a pre determined outcome based loosely on several factors. EQ,skill level and execution,with other factors likely involved. 

    One major point that validates that is I've hit the same shot with many different weather set ups using the same EQ and the results are exactly the same. Exactly the same. The programming is transparent upon repetition. That shreds the realism of the game. 

    To answer your question,no. If someone is able to card a great score based,"SOLELY ON A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD AND THEIR PLAY",then they deserve to lead. And that means without bias/a rigged game.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sun, May 5 2013 8:19 PM

    To answer your question,no. If someone is able to card a great score based,"SOLELY ON A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD AND THEIR PLAY",then they deserve to lead. And that means without bias/a rigged game.


    Your best 9 hole round is a 32, your best 18 is a 67.


    Check the leaders stats and score history.


    Typical Open qualifier post...mercy.

  • mnshiner
    1,382 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 12:55 AM


    If you played in the Open Qualifier you were playing from the Championship tees not your normal tee box. It's longer and the greens are faster than what you may expect. There is a way to play the course not in the qualifier, ranked or practice mode, so you can play off your normal tee box and have the green speed you may be used to playing. I can't remember right now which thread had it mentioned how to get onto the course that way. If I find it I'll post it here.


    How to play Merion.
    Click Stroke Play
    Experience Merion
    Create a Group
    Next hit Stroke play then change game mode
    You will be able to play it anyways you like.

  • xtabent
    2,281 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 3:00 AM

    strange , I have not seen 20 mph winds in the qualifier yet.

    Are we expecting a storm

  • cchristi42
    57 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 11:59 AM


    strange , I have not seen 20 mph winds in the qualifier yet.

    Are we expecting a storm

    was wondering that myself, don't think I have seen higher then 13 or so, maybe 14-15 once.

    To the OP, the simple fact is this is a video game, and some people are insanely good at video games, and this is before you even consider gear.  Not saying gear will get me 15-18 more strokes, but it + experience I expect will get me a good portion of the way there. 

    This is even before you consider it's unlimited play, and there are probably people who in the 4 days since release probably have well over 50 ranked rounds at this point.