The top 7 players on the leader board are in the low to mid FIFTY'S? So are they hacking the game AND throwing,"Carriers",on the rest of us? This game is so rigged it's offensive. Why is it you cant let the ability play the game? The third hole par three using a three wood with 20mph tail wind straight,left or right lands in the SAME spot in the front of the green rough three feet off the green as a shot into the same wind. Directions and speed. Explain that? The fourth hole green. Is an absolute joke. When you choose it to play that way.
How about a REAL GAME? PLEASE.
for lower level, less experienced players to come in here an start to point there finger is just disrespectful.. don't you all ever think before you speak? It’s no secret that there is a serious lack of self-confidence all around us.
I' am going to be 100% honest here,, back when i could not shoot a 29 or 59 i use to have all the same things run through my mind an i just kept playing,, but i did not come in forums an disrespect any of them great players that had spent all them hours putting in all them rounds,,, yes i had my moments where i was getting so mad cause no matter how hard i tryed i could not come close to them guys/gals an yes i wanted to say things in the heat of the moment but i did'nt.....
Instead of making an ass out of myself in the forums, i started to follow them better player's an tryed to get all the info i could an it worked the day i found one of the greatest players on WGT had made some videos an yes from that day on i just kep getting better......
Before i found them videos, I use to just grip an rip them all the time i did not realize that there is so much more to this game then just looking an hitting the ball to the hole with whatever club would go that far ( NO I" AM NOT STUPID ) i just did not understand the game has a formula to it so i just kept watching them videos an started to learn why i sucked at the game an could not play like them......
hitting fairways an landing on greens is easy an you must understand an know what the clubs you are using can do in all condition's , thats just the beginning now learn how to scramble an play bunker shots,, them are all the basics that will get u in the low 60tys an 30tys...
now if u want to do better then that start mapping the course's learn where you get your best results for approach shots down to knowing what club to use what back spin to apply, to knowing the green u are landing on where the best putts are from to knowing how hard to hit for different green speeds to understanding brakes....
See its not just a walk in the park if you want low score's you must take the time to do all the things that it asks from a player, that means take mental notes or write them down whatever works for you....
The last an most important,, practice an repetition an one day you to can be shooting low scores.....Repetition of the same thought or physical action develops into a habit which repeated frequently enough, becomes an automatic reflex
So my point is spend more time doing a little research an practicing instead of coming in forums an knocking better player's just cause you are not able to shoot low scores yet...