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VEM in WGT explained

Thu, Nov 26 2015 2:58 PM (258 replies)
  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 3:49 PM

    Well i just carded a solid 35 on royal in low winds. Im not speaking on it anymore but im done with the game at this moment may feel different in a month or so but right now i feel like what ive learned is useless. Put to much work in this game to be playing like this with a good meter computer and connection. Gl to the rest of you though.

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 3:54 PM


    Well i just carded a solid 35 on royal in low winds. Im not speaking on it anymore but im done with the game at this moment may feel different in a month or so but right now i feel like what ive learned is useless. Put to much work in this game to be playing like this with a good meter computer and connection. Gl to the rest of you though.

    let's test TBE's theory.  Maybe suffer a few more sub notonthis rounds and see if you get back to normal w/o the VEM?

    don't leave man, i want to play you!  I'd be honored


  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 3:57 PM

    TBE, come on now. You are saying that all single rounds are affected the same? NO way NO how. 

    what i said was to the best of WGT's ability within the game settings, they try to make it as fair as possible. i.e we get random winds. most likely vem works along the same lines in the hope that it even things out in the end.....who knows.

    i don't actually know if all players get effected the same during single play rounds and that's just it, no one really knows and it would probably take some trawling through multiple GB's of data for wgt to even arrive at an approximate figure. any takers for looking at this pile of raw data? wouldn't be me. :)

    sure we read a lot of posts about  bad vem in the forum but on the bigger picture the vast majority of players playing this game daily don't read the forum? there's good vem as well as catastrophic vem BUT we only read posts on the the result could be and most likely is skewed because we only hear of the wtf's from the minority of players (including me) who play and post in the forums.

    i'm just trying to be constructive with the discussion.

    vem is involved in all games, single play, unlimited play, matchplay, skins, alt shot & blitz. i don't know if it comes into play with uneven's too hard to argue a case for vem with that format. almost all shots on the fairways are wtf shots for me :) although WGT seems to be fine tuning it, they just need to take off the straightjacket while they're at the tweaking.

    what i do know is that sometimes i hit a shot bang on but it lands 10yrds short or too long but on the other hand i've hit an approach and closed my eyes immediately because it was so bad.....only to see it turn out a lot better than i imagined. now whether that was good vem in action or just me getting lucky (happens a lot in the real game) but i'll take it anyway.

    don't fight against the vem god......get down on your knees and pray to the almighty.

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 4:52 PM


    Well i just carded a solid 35 on royal in low winds. Im not speaking on it anymore but im done with the game at this moment may feel different in a month or so but right now i feel like what ive learned is useless. Put to much work in this game to be playing like this with a good meter computer and connection. Gl to the rest of you though.





    Just play and have some fun, whatever happens indeed.


  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 5:18 PM

    Boy, I sure have been quiet on this subject...but let me start off with a few things.


    WTF shots...I have them..but now seem to avoid them...reason why, I stay away from certain areas...i/e front of trap towards right side, on BPB back 9 par 5...I've had many balls in that area shoot 25 feet right on 40 yard punch shots...thought I was crazy...thought it was just me, till playing Tess once, I mentioned and she said "that's always been a problem spot"..

    SA # 5..front 9 par 5...seems like 1 out of 10 of my punch shots veer 10 yards right, from 45-47 yards out...kinda up on the hump and a bit right of center...another area I avoid if I can't get on in two.


    KI has a spot (forget the distance-causee I avoid left side next to rough) that my 60 yard wedges veer off as well


    There's some others, but you get my point.


    These (IMO) are some programming flaws in those spots...not VEEM, not Deviation, etc.


    I think of Nivlacs (or did he do it as WGTNiv?) explanation of circle of precision explains a lot to me, on approach shots, putts, etc.

    I/e if your -11 through 12...(again, just my opinion) and come up 8 yards wide, short,'s VEM putting the ball in the furthest end of the circle of precision and instead of getting that 6 footer for bird, you now have a 24 footer to make...this usually goes on for 4 or 5 it on approach shots, or putts you should have made..i/e the putts that were dropping through the first 12 holes, now demand a tighter degree of accuracy in order to drop.

      I also think VEM is tied to meter speed...I notice when I start dinging a lot..meter gets on it's high horse and speeds up at the end..when I'm aware of this happening, I let the meter run through on the first backswing (never more than once, that effing "click here" thing bugs me.

    Normally the 2nd pass through, meter seems to behave as it was earlier.

    Anyways, as long as I'm not playing in a beer induced coma, I remember these things, don't get frustrated, etc...and just try to combat the best as I can and relax.


    I think when players are doing well and the beast starts working, they begin to get frustrated, instead of taking a step back and zeroing back in.



  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 5:24 PM

    I think of Nivlacs (or did he do it as WGTNiv?) explanation of circle of precision explains a lot to me, on approach shots, putts, etc.

    It came from WGTNiv here. Very interesting read.

  • xXxjasonxXx
    688 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 5:27 PM

    Things have been strange as hell lately very!!!!!  an been getting really frustrated with the chit!!!!! im just going to throw 1 out here last night had 163 yrd shot 13mph head wind 3 foot up an i know this hole plays long on OLY HOLE 9 so i hit 180 fbs full power the dam thing drops at 153 yrds!!!!!!!!!!

    Now what the hell is the point of buying good clubs if they are just going to *** ya with BULL$^%$ vem how the hell is anyone going to learn the game if yall keep messing with the game???????? the hole point is to practice an take mental notes on shots but its just becoming a brain ***,, gets my dam blood pressure so dam high now days i feel like my heads about to blow or yall going to give me a heart attack one the 2 im just so sick of the chit!!!!!!!

    yes i was able to knock a few good games in but for the last 2 weeks i have probly wd 30 40 Rgs cause of this chit an this has not been like this tell just recently started around middle of last month!!!!

    The sad part of this is i never use to believe in vem before but now its all to clear that its in the game... what is the point of trying to be good at the game if everything we learn is pointless info for playing the next time around?????????????

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 5:38 PM


    Things have been strange as hell lately very!!!!!  an been getting really frustrated with the chit!!!!! im just going to throw 1 out here last night had 163 yrd shot 13mph head wind 3 foot up an i know this hole plays long on OLY HOLE 9 so i hit 180 fbs full power the dam thing drops at 153 yrds!!!!!!!!!!

    Now what the hell is the point of buying good clubs if they are just going to *** ya with BULL$^%$ vem how the hell is anyone going to learn the game if yall keep messing with the game???????? the hole point is to practice an take mental notes on shots but its just becoming a brain ***,, gets my dam blood pressure so dam high now days i feel like my heads about to blow or yall going to give me a heart attack one the 2 im just so sick of the chit!!!!!!!

    yes i was able to knock a few good games in but for the last 2 weeks i have probly wd 30 40 Rgs cause of this chit an this has not been like this tell just recently started around middle of last month!!!!

    The sad part of this is i never use to believe in vem before but now its all to clear that its in the game... what is the point of trying to be good at the game if everything we learn is pointless info for playing the next time around?????????????


    And if it wasn't Soooooo obvious maybe we could take it. But how i got ffffd over last night in RSG ready go is right down right PITIFUL!!

    2,580 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 5:45 PM


    The sad part of this is i never use to believe in vem before but now its all to clear that its in the game... what is the point of trying to be good at the game if everything we learn is pointless info for playing the next time around?????????????

    Ive been calling this out for well over a year now, and i notice a lot of great players like yourself are now saying they see it happening lately.

    I dont know, but just a thought here. Has all the talk in the forums about some folks not seeing this made WGT spread the love a bit, just so the great players will now say its there for them also? Probably clutching at straws here?


  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 5:49 PM


    I think of Nivlacs (or did he do it as WGTNiv?) explanation of circle of precision explains a lot to me, on approach shots, putts, etc.

    It came from WGTNiv here. Very interesting read.

    Thanks Jim...good reading......

    Heres a question how many of you who plays real golf or played golf......You hit the perfect shot feel it you hear it, but just as you strike the ball a puff of wind comes out of nowhere and your ball is left, right, long, or short.....Do you go back to the club house and b i tc h to the Pro about VEM....I know there are errors in some place's on the course even some on greens...I note them and stay away.....Go Play an uneven lie at Marion, you'll never bi  t ch about VEM again...Greg