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VEM in WGT explained

Thu, Nov 26 2015 2:58 PM (258 replies)
  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 5:53 PM



    The sad part of this is i never use to believe in vem before but now its all to clear that its in the game... what is the point of trying to be good at the game if everything we learn is pointless info for playing the next time around?????????????

    Ive been calling this out for well over a year now, and i notice a lot of great players like yourself are now saying they see it happening lately.

    I dont know, but just a thought here. Has all the talk in the forums about some folks not seeing this made WGT spread the love, just so the great players will now say its there for them also? Probably clutching at straws here?


    You might be right Twominusone. If it is though, lol, they will be leaving in droves, lol.

    No way they will stand for what i have been seeing lately, that is certain. Players are trying to compete, skill against skill. That is not happening here. Some players like to play this game to compete.

    If can't provide a level playing field remove playing for credits, and all competitions. Can't even have free tourneys, if skill is not going to win.

    How hard is that to understand?

  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 5:54 PM

    i'm just trying to be constructive with the discussion.

    You are, but on the other hand it is easy to do when you are not affected like others.

    I have been grumbling to Brandon for months. I would quote his advice to me, but I interpreted it as STFU , good advice, he has always given me good advice.

    Just wait till it kicks in for you TBE, believe me you have seen nothing yet.

    I went 3 full weeks whereby not 1 shot went anywhere near charted yardage. 3 weeks, I tried remapping but that was useless. I'm talking about the 50 punch going 35 -70 yards, the 60 going 47-83 yards, and so on and so on. I charted these and just gave up. Normally I can miss the ding by this (.................) and not get that much deviation.

    I was on the email 1 day with Lizard69 going back and forth and I was giving him my results, it was completely bizarre, my game was completely broken.

    It has simmered down now, but I still get the wtf shots.

    I still find it hard to play and practice as much as I used to. Emotionally scarred from those 3 weeks, lost my consecutive days as well.

    Brandon take the month, get some air, see you then, TAKE CARE.

    Let me tell you all what I tried with no success, posting max scores, hitting balls into pond on 10 CCC till max reached then play a RG, play from the practice client, play nothing with full spin, play without full power shots, miss ding as much as possible (limited success with that for a while)

    So there you go, if anyone has any other ideas I'm listening.

    ICON sir, I hear you, but I do find it hard to believe it happens to everyone across the board fairly, but it does seem to be spreading. Just in looking at the leaderboards, still everyone of them has perfect scores each and every time. I find it a little difficult to believe they are getting the same treatment and posting those scores.

    As far as the open goes, I'm screwed, been trying that Legend Merion thing, and I cannot make a 3 foot putt yet playing that, quit 12 times, never made it past 5 yet. 50 plus holes and a handful of birdies at most. All the while 55's are being posted, and I'm sitting there not being able to make 3 footers for birdie. Un even lies do not scare me either, it's the putting that has me pulling out my hair now. I have not decided whether or not I'm going to waste a ball on the open.

    2,580 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 5:58 PM

    I dont know Gerald, im still here, lol. Yup, im as competitive as they come, but have to settle for playing for fun. Good job i got some great friends on here, otherwise i would have gone long ago.

    But i reckon all this talk has WGT sitting up and taking notice. But i wont hold my breath on anything positive happening anytime soon.

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 6:02 PM

    save the ball and grab that $25 card Steve - top 158 is where it's at.  just wish it was a visa prepaid or something for ya.  pain felt, word heard, etc.  

    sympathy for sure

  • KittyWumpus
    345 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 6:04 PM


    I think of Nivlacs (or did he do it as WGTNiv?) explanation of circle of precision explains a lot to me, on approach shots, putts, etc.

    It came from WGTNiv here. Very interesting read.

    Thank you for this!!!

    Through (my very limited) observation (personal experiences), I theorized the game *working* as WGTNiv posted. I have even explained it to others that have had odd shots, dinged shots stray more than they felt they should, etc. I explained (while they likely sat with glazed over eyes) how I thought the various aspects of the clubs interact, the role that wind plays, how each course.. and even holes within a course.. will play differently, etc. There are some questions I still have, but I have been slowly trawling through the forums to see if I can find answers before reposting questions asked repeatedly. 

    I actually love this game for its (apparent?) use of math and (quantum) physics, layered atop the most beautiful and realistic looking backdrop ever for a golf game (that I have seen at least). For me, it is puzzle solving, chock full of constants, variables, and probabilities, which some times will be victim of "chaos." My own inadequacies bite me far more than WGT's "chaos particles." In my eyes, a "dinged shot" is one that the player feels is "perfect." However, sometimes the *game* will chuckle and say, "Wrong!" {shank}. The rest of the time, it is simply "better probability of landing within the circle, and possibly closer to the center, than a non-dinged shot." In some cases, those non-dinged shots end up providing an unexpected thrill. 

    Oh- and I wish sleeves of balls were either cheaper, or lasted longer. With greater life, WGT could still benefit from those errant water/weeds/OOB "lost ball" shots ;-)

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 6:04 PM

    Yes Steve i have been thinking the same thing. I don't know whether i will play the Open now. I see it as a ball wasting bash to me.

    And for the players still trying to qualify, lol. Good luck with that, lmao. No way everyone is getting same amount of Vem is same round. Like i said in earlier post, we have the lucky, and the unlucky.

    Players will realize in due time what is taking place trust me. That ready go i played last night was funny as hell. Could do nothing but laugh. 

    Like i said can't make it fair removed playing for credits, and removed all competitions, period.

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 6:35 PM

    I don't know whether i will play the Open now.


    Ya gotta have to post a score.


    Ask YJ about this when he qual'ed at Oak...


    Hey, I've no visions of winning, nor sniffing the leader board, but I'll be damned if after letting my credits dwindle from +5000 to about 1000, I'd pass on the Open...55 or 75...I'll post it.


    BTW, I don't do (rarely) surveys or videos to make credits here...I nick at RG's and try to build the bank...the Open qual (took me a month I think to shoot 57...which I think will hold) dwindled me to near WGT


    If I stay under the cut line..damned sure I'll play both rounds, even with Starters if that's what it is!

  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 6:43 PM


    What the hell is wrong with everyone, not agreeing that the man deserves an answer from the person or persons  he asked . 

    Not saying your wrong ... and not to demean the OP .... but I'm sure after playing for 1 month he has 1,000 questions which he will want a reply on ... and WGT has answered 1,000 times in the forum already.      Just my opinion but I think it's OK for others to link him to places where WGT has replied before.   As you already know ... just a quick search on the topic and he can read for months about the topic.

    And I'm not talking for WGT .. I get your point.    But we all know WGT doesn't answer every single post in the forums.    Especially the ones which they have answered time and time again.

    It's a public forum ... not WGT's e mail.   If someone wants to direct a question to WGT specifically ... send  a note to

    Just saying ...

    You may not intentionally mean it but it is demeaning that you should judge me by the length of time I've been playing the game. That's just plain stupidity. I don't have 1000 questions and I read many threads before I posted this one.

    It's pointless linking me to endless threads that go around in circles unless it specifically answers the which case quote it and put an end to it.

    Many people are happy to 'speak on behalf' of WGT because they would like to sound as if they have an ounce of wisdom or authority but I didn't ask so you could build your pedestal.

    It is a public forum and a question that still lingers in the mind of many players, hence the endless unresolved threads. WGT can hide behind the curtain on this one but all I'm pointing out is I see no reason why. It's not a secret recipe it's just a fuss.

    Announcing that they use VEM isn't a bad thing it's just a thing, then they could explain how it helps benefit the game. It's really just that simple.

    No player is in a position to fight with WGT about it they can either like it or leave but being so vague and mysterious on the topic just encourages and gives ammunition to complainers.

    So to re-emphasize my initial point for the thread. I didn't start it for myself but the benefit of all. Sometimes it's good just to be transparent and if I were in there shoes I would release the facts. The ball is in WGT's court, continue to be elusive or just be straight and silence the critics.

  • xXxjasonxXx
    688 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 6:57 PM


    BTW, I don't do (rarely) surveys or videos to make credits here...I nick at RG's and try to build the bank...the Open qual (took me a month I think to shoot 57...which I think will hold) dwindled me to near WGT


    If I stay under the cut line..damned sure I'll play both rounds, even with Starters if that's what it is!

    LOL, i will help ya out buddy if u down an out when it comes to the open i'll gladly send ya a sleeve of your choice just so u are at ur best when u play.....

    I know all to well them serveys suck i use to do them everyday back when i started cause my broke *** could not afford these out priced balls an clubs other wise,, probly why i became so competitive an played this game like it was my job to beable tell all the shots an putts was burnt in to my mind so i could compete with top players lmao....

  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 7:01 PM

    Well well .... glad to see that more and more players are coming out and demonstrating how bad the problem is becoming ... and it has been getting worse recently, within the last month or so. On the other hand, it's sad to see player's efforts being flushed down a toilet like so much refuse. 

    This once great game is quickly losing it's luster ...