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Participation level of current members

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Fri, Jun 7 2013 3:13 AM (31 replies)
    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2013 8:30 AM

    Our biggest problem and one we haven't resolved is getting new members onto the forum (am sure it is the same in all CC's).. That to me is a key in getting players involved

    Absolutely key.

    If you dont encourage and market participation, you wont get it.

    Much to the bemusement of us owners who ask;

    why they join in the first place?

    **Keep in mind our club does NOT recruit Legends and above and rarely TMasters. We have a focus of developing players & recruit Hacks & above IF their history shows a certain level of commitment. ALL of our Legends and above were developed. Hence they are all loyal.

    What we do firstly is post on a new members wall a link to an 'introduce yourself' thread within the club forum.

    Most at least do this.
    Once they have done that, we have a strong contingent of members who then friend up the new members and seek them to play games.
    We also have 5 captains in the club who are all aware of this focus and also will 'nurture' new members.
    These existing members will, if needed, help the new member with suggestions and game tips.
    Myself as owner will always try to get a game or two in with a new member ASAP.

    This does a few things...

    Firstly it gets them into the club forum and from that  interaction  they have now made a handful of club friends. 
    Secondly they are now playing with club members, perhaps invited to skype, shown the ropes offered some help and have met their comrades.

    Finally  they have had a game with the 'owner' (probably an Alt match or Blitz, with others in their tier and maybe another legend) who has displayed a friendly and welcoming personality and also has asked them what they think of the club so far and has asked them if there is  anything  they would like to see from the club.

    At this point they are in awe of playing with a Legend/s firstly and they can see how close they actually are to being a higher tier. Not losing by much or simply interacting with the club and the top members.
    (this helps prevent  hack/amateur apathy)

    I will often set up MP games with new members and announce they are all members & to 'friend up' .

    Our club also has a mentoring program which is a Stickied thread in our forums, here members can see an opportunity to ask their peers for help - anothr part of the nurturing program, but thats another topic.
    I have taken members under my wing and focussed specifically on them and held their hand till their next tier, then let them go on their own.
    I love hearing of their achievements after this  :) 

    The second thing we do to help forum participation is to ask members to claim their prizes via the tournament thread in the forum.
    So - tournaments are named "XYZ event - PRIZES!! See Forum."

    We send Club Emails at the start of Prized Tourneys and at the end with links to the forum thread.
    The  forum thread details the tourney/ event, lists the prizes - (we have banners made up and posters etc) - and we ask all winners to claim their choice of prize from the pro shop via the thread.

    eg: win 500credits of Pro Shop goods.

    This in itself is very successful to get members making their first forum post.
    As we know we all like to see our name in lights, so winners are highlighted and glorified. Once they have posted, it is in our human nature (call it ego) to return to see if our post was 'ok', has been replied to, etc. 

    This also makes the prize giving transparent for ALL members to see it actually happening.

    Promoting these events in a somewhat commercial manner is needed to increase the awareness of the happenings in the club.

    Unlike our recently ejected member from this thread, most dont have their head stuck in the sand and at some stage actually do interact with the club. When a person is seen to be newly participating, we try to take that involvement further..  

    Our Club forum's first page contains approx 8 - 9 'stickied' threads. Things like - "introduce yourself here"
    "Game Tips" (including a link to another section for "newbie info" containing WGT navigation tips etc)
    "Your best rounds" - Score cards posted and applause given
    "Great Shots" - replays posted and applause given
    Many other stickied  resources  & Also any current tourneys are stickied until they end.

    All of these threads are very active.

    I myself as an owner always remain  approachable  and enthusiastic. I try to remain in the background and let my captains remain in the spotlight, however I will always applaud achievement & will always answer anyone who approaches me.

    Our club has a 'nurture' & 'mentor' focus and with the above things in place and with regular captain's involvement we can get some very good participation results in the tourneys and in the forums.

    We cull. once per 3 months. We remove inactive players. After the 1st or 2nd month - we send a message. 
    We have a few that are ""on leave" and they have announced that, either in a forum note or a message to me.

    95% of our club has played WGT in the last month.

    We rarely have members leave and when they do, they are  usually  those who may or may not have been active, but not really participating within the club anyway. 

    We will also kick members if they are abrasive or found to be multi's or guy-gals.

    There is a lot to getting maximum participation.

    There will always be 'silent' members and we will never truly get 100% involvement.

    However, breeding a culture of nurture and friendliness, keeping a finger on the pulse of lower tiers, whilst rewarding ALL  achievements, i feel is paramount towards that direction.


    holy clap!

    / epic post

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2013 8:47 AM

    I envy your ability to sticky threads Shrude. I bet you can lock them too. Hardly any of the features work with me and the same goes for a lot of other clubs too.

    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2013 9:32 AM

    I've heard that Courteney, seems to be in clubs in  which owners have changed?

    Everything available seems to work for me, except locking them down.

    Deleting posts is a pain..  the page ends up in a loop of 'resource not found' and I have to go out of the thread and back in again.

  • FBudd
    208 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2013 4:29 PM

    Mate check your figures i played atleast 3 or 4. I didnt find their set-up particularly thrilling, so sue me. Ty for removing me.

    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2013 6:31 PM

    Mate check your figures i played atleast 3 or 4. I didnt find their set-up particularly thrilling, so sue me.

    Perhaps. I didn't say you hadn't. Mute point.

    If you didn't find the set up particularly thrilling, why didn't you create one yourself or better still jump in the forum of your club and throw some ideas out for different formats amongst your fellow members.

    Although we have pretty much all formats covered. Multis - CTTH, Singles, Monthly's etc

    A few of our single tourneys are set up for easy scoring, so people of lower tiers with Ping Raptures and the like, have a chance.

    Ty for removing me.

    Well, just like the tourneys budd, you could have done it yourself, but you want to be spoon fed so there ya go.

  • KevinFleenor
    1,455 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2013 6:42 PM

    We had a couple bumps in the road as far as organization lately, but we're still at least 80% active in our tournaments. Granted, my club's doors are closed the majority of the time and we only have 40 members. There's always 30 something entries in each tourney, so the competition is still fairly heavy.

    We have championship "seasons" in our club and that sort of forces everyone to play on all the courses a few times each through the season. If you DON'T play in the tourneys, you can slide down the leaderboard, so it's keeps everyone active enough to get their points. There's a solid 70% who play in 100% of those tourneys, and there's always a featured or background tourney going on. 

    We've been really close to 100% on a few occasions, but even I can't play in all of them all the time. We do end up losing some of our newer recruits because they never find the forums or don't have time for a "commitment" because the season can get pretty brutal at times.

    Even then though, if they found the forums, they'd see that it's not always about shooting under 60 or winning tourneys to be a valuable member. It's actually a pretty good community of folks ranging from TLs to Masters with no segregation or elitism. 

    Fun stuff. I couldn't even see playing wgt all day if it weren't for the ole Club and great members. 

    As said before, it's really about getting what you put in. Those who join a club and don't hit up the forum or friend a bunch a members... you're missing out. There's plenty of great clubs with great communities out there. Usually you just have to say Hi and it rolls from there. 

  • FBudd
    208 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2013 7:21 PM


    You can remove me from your CC, i dont like your tournaments.

    Not bad coming from someone who hasnt played a single CC tourney or in fact participated in the club forum to learn of the tourneys with major prizes.


    Consider it done. percentage just went up :)


    Do you have dementia? I made some forum posts as well. I have met many good friends so far in this game, just none in AAA. 

    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2013 7:33 PM

    LOL, fair enough. My mistake.


    I have met many good friends so far in this game, just none in AAA. 

    If you are a lone wolf and participate in WGT outside of the club, you wont meet many from the club.
    Most will friend up a lot of club members and play regularly with those. After all thats why you would join a club.

    Anyway, you were a member for 5 mins and have an opinion based on that.

    Not a lot of credence there.

    Carry on , I wish you well

  • DJW2307
    13,415 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2013 11:28 PM

    A really insightful post there SHRUDE....The epic one that is lol (and I thought I could write long posts lol)...

    Must say, we have a lot of the same features you are talking about in your posts...Mentoring of sorts, certain groups of players befriending new players and lots of enthusiastic members...We post links on the walls of all new members and encourage forum participation, but getting them to post that first message is still a real challenge and one we have to do more work on..

    Once again, really appreciate your thoughts and comments about the running of what looks like a really great CC..



  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2013 11:49 PM

    and take my shoes and socks off.


    Promises promises....