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Abusive players - part deux

Thu, Jun 13 2013 10:58 PM (22 replies)
  • BobbyDerek
    23 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 8:13 PM

    So, after waiting vainly over a week for a response to my written complaint my thread, with accompanying screenshots illustrating the abuse, was taken down a couple of hours ago by WGT.

    I subsequently received the following response from a WGT Admin (I'll spare him the embarrassment of naming him);

    "I am writing to you personally so you understand why I will be taking down your forum thread that has pictures and names players. It is against the posting guidelines to put that stuff up there. No matter what you feel other players have done to you, it does not mean that you can go against the posting guidelines.

    Now onto the issue of the other players. I was the one who did the investigation in those two players. It was the first time we had received any reports about abusive behavior on them. They were both given a Formal warning with the caveat of if they did it again their accounts would be suspended.

    We do not discuss what we do behind the scenes because frankly the decision is ours and we take what actions we feel are necessary. There is also the privacy issue. I am sure if you made a mistake or got angry you wouldn't want us to broadcast it all over the forums."

    For those of you who read the earlier deleted thread and saw the screenshots you may find this response as surprising as I did, given the egregious nature of the abuse I experienced. Consequently, my response was as follows;

    "I am astounded to find you writing to me in such an admonishing and condescending tone, especially under the circumstances. So, I won't feel at all badly about returning the favour.

    I don't "feel" someone has done something to me. I know whom, what and when. It offended me and it offended my playing partner. Per the all-encompassing WGT guidelines I reported it immediately (with screenshots) but, apparently, it has taken the posting of a thread WGT deems controversial and contrary to its guidelines to finally elicit a direct response from an admin. I mean, after 8 days, would I have received any kind of response had I not posted the thread?

    What blows my mind is the fact you actually believe your action regarding these players is remotely adequate. You've warned them, with the threat you'll "suspend" them, for such a vicious and concerted outpouring of racial abuse? I mean, seriously? And then you look to put me in my place by making it clear you can and will do whatever you like so long as you feel it is necessary? And then, to put a tin lid on it, you characterise the behaviour of these proven racists as "making a mistake or getting angry"?

    Let me put it bluntly, there is no place and no excuse for that type of behaviour anywhere or at any time. Those players did not make a mistake and they weren't angry, they simply engaged in behaviour that is deemed criminal just about anywhere in the civilised world. The extent of your action and your attitude in representing WGT, frankly, sucks."

    So, there it is. The subtext of WGT's response is that they will not deliver any meaningful deterrent to the tiny minority of members who abuse others. They'll get a warning with the "threat" of a suspension. That is unless the WGT Admin in question happens to feel like doing something else that day. Whatever that may be, just don't feel as though you're entitled to any kind of explanation.

    I hope you're all as comforted by that as I am.

  • bluzgolf
    1,076 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 8:40 PM

    Wow, just wow.  I really love this game, but may have to leave.  This is totally lame unacceptable wrist slapping bull from WGT.  WGT you are basically saying it's OK.  The more I think about it the madder I get.  I am totally outraged at your lame wrist slap.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 8:44 PM

    Yup, what did i tell you Bobby in last thread. Nothing will happen, period.

    Seen it to many time to count. WGT at its finest!

    OOOOOO, and if these players decided to do it again and again and again, nothing will happen to them either.....again, lol.

    Very sorry Bobby but that is how they roll here. Good luck mate.

    Edit: I would say this thread will be deleted also. Shame but true. 

  • jeepie411
    3,197 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 8:56 PM

    WOW a firm warning. I bet they are having a good chuckle about that one since they now know they can say and do as they please and only the person who complains gets the shaft. 


    The way that WGT handles this is a worse insult to you and the rest of the WGT players than the comments made by your opponents

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 8:58 PM

    They violated the terms and conditions, You violated the terms and conditions.

    WGT has attempted to correct both situations as they see fit to do,  they own it, you and I only use it .

    Were they fair?  You think not.  They think they were.  They own it!  You do not.  Want to change it?  Be my guest, it has been tried before.  My Nickle.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 9:20 PM

    In the circumstances I think WGT has acted as one would expect any business to. Now if they do it again the action's promised should be carried out, and I hope that is the case. No matter how right you are innocent until proven guilty with proper balanced weight of evidence gas to be the go. You simply can't have all that from the screen shot's as disgusting as they were! 

    Personally (realising no full trial here, and nor should they be) references to a certain high powered Lady made in such a way tells me they sympathise with very sinister organisation's generally to...........................

    I wish you well, and as abhorrent as it all is carry on enjoying stuff here.  There are many good people to!

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 9:21 PM

    Duplicate above!

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 10:16 PM

    perhaps someday this game will take some of the best ideas from just about any good poker site out there - admins frequently block other players chat - temporary or permanently and they have rocking game lobbies too.

    can you guys block a players chat as a more severe warning? just curious if you, wgt, have that as an option.  If not, can you add it to the wish list? 

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 10:56 PM

    I think the problem that a lot of complainants have with WGT is that they don't keep you updated with the progress of the complaint. You get a complaint number and then nothing.