I KNOW that I am going to ruffle some feathers with this post but Oh Well.
It may not seem like it with this post BUT I really don't care what people "shoot" for their scores. I only try to shoot my best regardless of any "glitches" that pop up and I would rather shoot very badly than to cheat. I do not compete against anyone else only myself in this game.
I have played golf for 23 years, I have played this game for 9 months and have gotten to know this game pretty well. Just like everyone else, I have ran across many numerous "glitches" in these games and I can understand that because a program of this caliber has a whole lot of complexities which are difficult to deal with, and many things may not work just right. Some of them the people here are working on and many others that they do not know about until we let them know.
Now to get to the point of this post: There is no way anyone can shoot 10 under or close to that with the way that they have this tournament set up. It is EXTREMELY difficult to play and that is the way that I like them, regardless of the scores. Even in real life, the harder the course is the better I like it. I will leave it open that someone can shoot that low of a score once but only IF (and that is a very BIG if) every shot that they make happens to go perfectly or near perfect. But that type of score on a difficulty like this is a "once in a lifetime" game. It is just like an amateur can shoot 20 under on the real Open and win by a big margin.
I apologize to anyone that takes offense at this and is shooting an honest game because I truly do not refer to you in this post. Well I guess I've gotten that off my chest.