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Scores On The US Open Tournament

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Tue, Jun 25 2013 11:30 AM (40 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jun 13 2013 1:44 PM

    I also do apologize to anyone that I offended since that was in no way shape or form my intentions!

    There's nothing to apologize for, yours was just a rant that you're totally entitled too. Some might call it culture shock after trying like crazy to do it themselves and you just ran smack into that. Everybody does at one point but it goes away when YOU start doing it. LOL, yes, you will.  GL.  ;-)

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2013 1:40 AM


    m teeing off up at St Andrews for real in around 3 hours...


    Have a great time !!!

    6FT Tall Open....The New Course.

  the scorecard reveals.......real life scores do vary greatly compared to virtual scores.

    Front 9 ....the conditions were very light wind but on the back 9, I have this conspiracy theory that Icon dialled in the his trademark HEAVY winds after catching this thread because it was like a totally different course on the back 9, but having said that, I got a few monster headwinds but also a few monster tailwinds which resulted in the the slow playing 4ball Italian tourists playing in front of us turning round to give us a few WTF glaring looks as drives flew right over their heads on 2 occasions.

    Turned out to be a normal round for the pair of us which ended in a draw. On the New Course over all I'm up 4-2 up after 6  rounds.

    Scores could have been a lot better but failure to ding a few putts  or hit on favourable side of wind cost us a few strokes.

    Also.....on WGT we hear a lot of "Why are St Andies bunkers so hard to play out of?"

    Here's a photo of a normal St Andies bunker. I'm standing in the middle of it. There's not a lot of room to move around in many of them. I'm 6ft 3" and this is what you're faced with  a lot of the time....this was probably one of the easier bunkers :)

    So if you go into one of these...and the ball's up against the wall, you're taking more than 1 stroke to hit it out backwards or even sideways. You'll break both wrists & club attempting to hit it out front ways and the ball will still be sitting where it was.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2013 2:49 AM

    Look like a solid round TBE. Very nice shooting sir. When i break 80 i jump up and down, hehe.

    Also i don't want any of that bunker. :)

  • TeacHa
    186 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2013 4:49 AM

    You wanna see them do it? Check out Priestess's videos on Youtube, she has her 55  at the VUS Open qualifier recorded there...didn't even seem hard for her, just impressive is all I can say to describe her playing!

  • giantfan5611
    135 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2013 5:16 AM

    All you need to do is look at the profiles of the players topping the leader boards of tourney's to see that something isn't kosher.

    Longest drives of almost 500 yards??? c'mon...there is nothing realistic about that. I don't care how much wind you have at your back, a drive that long has no business even being possible for a game that boasts of it's realism to actual golf! 

    A drive that long will get you on the green of most Par 4's in one, which is more Happy Gilmore than Tiger Woods-like

    putting accuracy of 80-90 % with recorded long putts of 70 plus ft? That's  fantasy land.

    To chalk it all up to skill, when everyone knows that there are cheat programs for every game site from POGO to WGT is just hiding ones head in the sand.

    Nobody can be overcoming the glitches of this game that consistently without enhancements .

    Look at the current cut line for the WGT US's at 13-under par just to make the cut for gods sake. And all those scores are on the level????gimme a friggin break man!

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2013 3:46 PM

    with recorded long putts of 70 plus ft? That's  fantasy land.

    no fantasy here....

    level 82 ....been here 5 years and still using starter clubs and starter balls.

    that's your choice but don't moan about players shooting way better than you because they've upgraded their gear while you still use hockey sticks and yul brynners to hack around.

    your scores are decent enough for the rubbish gear you use but if you want to better those scores a complete upgrade is a no brainer.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2013 4:22 PM

    Great round at SA TBE. I would love to one time have the chance. Too old and too broke to ever fathom the trip. Tried to plan it 28 years ago and it fell apart. 

  • giantfan5611
    135 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2013 7:06 PM

    First of all, thats what I'm using at the moment, it's not the equipment I used to reach this level.

    Secondly......this is about unrealistic scores on the toughest course on WGT, not about what I do.

    There is no possible way anyone can shoot in the 50's and 60's on Merion without some enhancements...PERIOD! I don't give a *** how long anyone has or has not been here!

    Sorry if the specter of cheating is distasteful to you, but there are cheats on here as there are on every other gaming site on the internet.

    We're talking about people who defy the odds by NEVER having a bad day on any of the courses here, and that's just impossible....period!!! Nobody has every course that clocked without some special help.

    For you to deny the presence of cheats on this site, you really have to have your head buried in the sand or jammed up your rectum.

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2013 11:39 PM


    There's no way anybody could ever be better than me...PERIOD!  I don't give a *** how long anyone has or has not been here!



  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, Jun 15 2013 12:15 AM

    There is no possible way anyone can shoot in the 50's and 60's on Merion without some enhancements...PERIOD!











    Done it'ed that feel?