lonniescott711: Still having problems since this file showed up . Have deleted it , but it comes back .
That's the file WGT stores data on your computer in. Not only should you leave it alone, it should be set to allow storage. Mine is set to 100kb. Right click in the Play Now box, select settings and move the slider accordingly. That is not going to affect your meter but it will slow the load times down as those deleted files have to be replaced every time you play.
Maybe your loads are causing the problem? Trying to play while there's data being moved could cause a problem. Ironically, holding the swing for several counts helps this but then you get called a cheat by a few clowns. LOL
Well,why 2 files? I have the media 5 wgt file , and this secure wgt file . This is what I dont understand . I use the maxthon browser , and had very very few meter problems until this file showed up . I set it too unlimited , just for peace sake . If I delete it , it comes back on restart , and it wont let me access the game until I install it . Its showing my profile page , as a secured page , but not the forum page . So I dont know, I`ll just keep contacting WGT , until they tell me something .Thanks guys , sooner or later , we`ll figure it out. Happy Swinging :-)