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Advice Needed From Other CC Owners

Mon, Jul 1 2013 6:45 AM (42 replies)
  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Tue, Jun 25 2013 7:00 PM

    More great responses. Jenny, your point about '"numbers" is exactly how I feel.

    The club has come back to life since I sent out the ultimatum message, not as good at first sight as I thought, although the entry level to tourneys has gone up, a big % of those entered not actually playing!!?

    We almost have our first CC v CC matches organised.

    Thanks again.

  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 3:51 AM

    "League Tables" 

    A club mate of mine would like to compile league tables for our club.  Is their a program that makes the job easy?  If you have any advice on this we would appreciate it very much.

    Thanks again for your tips.


  • kchuskey
    59 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 9:06 PM

    Have a look at this. Just go to the men's or  ladies leagues, and look at standings. Takes a little knowledge and work, but should be easy to get the hang of.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 10:56 PM

    4: Each player has a record of what they have won in the game. You may have won 2000 credits, but have none left. You record will still show you as having won 2000 credits. This is the same for everyone. Every member of a CC has the amount of earnings (credits) stacked together, and it is added up to show what has been won by all the members in that club. It is just a record of earnings, and nothing can be done with it.

    This is Total Career Earnings Tallied up and added together to get the CC Club Earnings.

    The individual carear earnings is on your profile page.

    So... if you have 10 people in your CC (for example)  and each of those 10 people have earned $2000 in there Wgt life..... Then the CC Career Earnings will read $20,000

    Or one person can have $20,000 in Earnings and the other 9 has Zero



    2,580 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 1:21 AM

    Cheers Mantis, thats what i was trying to say, lol.

    2,580 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 1:28 AM




    "League Tables" 

    A club mate of mine would like to compile league tables for our club.  Is their a program that makes the job easy?  If you have any advice on this we would appreciate it very much.

    Thanks again for your tips.


    If you have anybody in your club who can use Google documents, then you are good to go Dubfore. You can set up a spreadsheet on that, and when you enter scores or points, you can then let it do the rest of the work for you by just clicking a few extra buttons.

    Im not sure how its done myself, as we have our own member who does this. 1 thing you need to do is to enable the link to the document to be seen by others though.


  • kchuskey
    59 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 6:23 AM





    "League Tables" 

    A club mate of mine would like to compile league tables for our club.  Is their a program that makes the job easy?  If you have any advice on this we would appreciate it very much.

    Thanks again for your tips.


    If you have anybody in your club who can use Google documents, then you are good to go Dubfore. You can set up a spreadsheet on that, and when you enter scores or points, you can then let it do the rest of the work for you by just clicking a few extra buttons.

    Im not sure how its done myself, as we have our own member who does this. 1 thing you need to do is to enable the link to the document to be seen by others though.





    That is what I used, and posted the link to, just a couple posts back.  All you have to do is publish as webpage, it's not ness to enable link to be seen. Once it's published, it becomes it's own website..if you will.


    2,580 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 6:26 AM

    Cheers Huskey, i didnt realise that. I looked at your link, and thought it was just a website. I need to closer the next time, lol.

  • kchuskey
    59 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 6:41 AM


    Cheers Huskey, i didnt realise that. I looked at your link, and thought it was just a website. I need to closer the next time, lol.


    No worries man... In a sense it is a website. But you have to go there to our Club page to be able to see the "Standings" that are created using google drive, then published to the web. Once it's set up, you can set equations and just input numbers weekly, where needed, and it does the rest.


    2,580 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 6:54 AM

    I hear ya Huskey. Its the same on our site. Unfortunately nobody can see it unless they are in the club, so here is a link we have for our player of the year spreadsheet, just to show how it can be set up.