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Here we go again

Sat, Aug 3 2013 11:52 AM (288 replies)
  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 9:17 AM



    But why, and I ask again, rmchangin, is that a concern for WGT members and are you making such a fuzz about it here. It has nothing to do with WGT, and nothing to do with the fact that you left WGTLS because you were sick of that cheating *** we dare to question on WGTLS

    If you got  something  to say spit it MAN ...You did'nt dare to question you allowed Someone to Post to YOUR Forum, something so full of errors that all it will do is cause everyone to point fingers at each other...Period...and not one person from WGTLS seems to have a problem with it, But if you took the time to read ALL the  replies, you see almost all wgt members dont agree with you..And Yet JC is still spewing out the same bull crap on YOUR forum as of today.....YOU will never get it will you...  



    Its not MY forum, I am just a moderator on that site and although we may have problems with some posts, we, WE decided just to monitor it for staying on topic.

    We dont expect names, we do expect some more insight in the problem, which as a site where competition and tournaments are essentail, is an important insight.

    And if there are errors in the post, as you suggests, they will come out and will contribute to the knowledge of this problem


    Oh, and I spit it out all the time, asking and questioning you what exactly is the purpose of your post here, because you are only sunject switching all the time and when you have no viable answer you use abusive language, which btw is all the time.

    Its even funny to see that you constantly saying you are not, but effortless doing it anyway

  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 9:30 AM



    YEAH   you sure making yourself look like an total BUTTHOLE...I'm done here just wanted everyone on WGT see how MODS at wgtls act....DUDE ARE YOU THAT THICK.........LMFAO

    Perhaps you would be so kind to Covenant, purely as a friendly gesture so that he doesn't continue to appear "thick", to continue the debate in Dutch?

    I am sure you will undoubtedly continue to trump Covenant in the intellectual stakes even with the disadvantage of conversing in a secondary language to you such as Dutch.


    All of a SUDDEN there a  language  barrier ....... You wgtls members are Toooooooo funny


  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 9:32 AM

    Is it only my impression, or does anybody else think that some WGTLS problems have successfully been transported to this forum for a useless slugfest?

    Please stop!

  • russellfahey
    4,286 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 9:36 AM


    then the argument of their need to hold the meter to make it smoother doesn't hold water to me,
    It has been a popular advice against a stuttering meter as long as I've been around and has been testified in this thread by Woodo and Courteney and RM and MB (citing Andyson) and YJ and alanti and myself, even JC (arguing against himself nicely on page 6), and Barry acknowledged it.

    What else do you need to understand that it's common practice to hold the backswing, making the proposed backswing time count a useless witchhunt?

    This is what i was talking about as regards ppl taking snippets of a post to make there point have some validity!!

    Now Alosso try reading the whole part of what i wrote again pls and then respond to the question i asked at the end of the statement.

    My point is this if they are taking on average 2-4 secs per drive but then taking 15 seconds on there approaches on sometimes a critical part of the game or mp,then the argument of their need to hold the meter to make it smoother doesn't hold water to me,as surely you need to hit the f/w on your drive to allow you to play a good approach shot,rather than being in the rough of say 30-40% 190yrds from pin or even worse if your playing Merion,don't you agree?

     The point i was trying to get across,was that it's all about looking for consistency in how a player plays/executes his shots as regards the whiteout method throughout the entiire round.This is where Jeffs post comes in,but like i have already mentioned and agreed with ppl that it is not a foolproof method!!!!

     I know it's also common practice to hold the backswing to make the meter smoother,i have no problem with that but if this is the case then why aren't they doing this on every shot if there meter is a problem?? i only become suspicious when the time gets nearer the 15 second mark as anything under 10 seconds i don't really worry about, as i see them as holding there meter due to the cpu issue.But these players are only taking 2-4 seconds to drive off the tee,can you not see why tis may arouse my suspicion??

     If that makes me smug and Elitest as RM likes to portray me as then so be it,i mean come on RM is so unreproachable i must surely be in the wrong to dare to have an opinion that is different to his.




  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 9:37 AM


    Is it only my impression, or does anybody else think that some WGTLS problems have successfully been transported to this forum for a useless slugfest?

    Please stop!


    This post was based on something that happened on WGTLS and transferred to WGT by its writer, rmchangin


  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 9:38 AM




    But why, and I ask again, rmchangin, is that a concern for WGT members and are you making such a fuzz about it here. It has nothing to do with WGT, and nothing to do with the fact that you left WGTLS because you were sick of that cheating *** we dare to question on WGTLS

    If you got  something  to say spit it MAN ...You did'nt dare to question you allowed Someone to Post to YOUR Forum, something so full of errors that all it will do is cause everyone to point fingers at each other...Period...and not one person from WGTLS seems to have a problem with it, But if you took the time to read ALL the  replies, you see almost all wgt members dont agree with you..And Yet JC is still spewing out the same bull crap on YOUR forum as of today.....YOU will never get it will you...  



    Its not MY forum, I am just a moderator on that site and although we may have problems with some posts, we, WE decided just to monitor it for staying on topic.

    We dont expect names, we do expect some more insight in the problem, which as a site where competition and tournaments are essentail, is an important insight.

    And if there are errors in the post, as you suggests, they will come out and will contribute to the knowledge of this problem


    Oh, and I spit it out all the time, asking and questioning you what exactly is the purpose of your post here, because you are only sunject switching all the time and when you have no viable answer you use abusive language, which btw is all the time.

    Its even funny to see that you constantly saying you are not, but effortless doing it anyway

    I have not changed the subject...the Subject is that Post  creates more problems than it solves and members and Mods of wgtls cant seem to see a problem with it...plane and seems like you and your fellow smuglets seem to try to change the subject into a personal problem with me.....Attack all you can not  censer me here like you did on wgtls....... 


  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 9:43 AM

    People, People, People..... At the end of the day it's a game that is all about getting that little ball into a hole that is only just a little bit bigger.... One shot from the tee and one from the fairway.. Then it's all down to how well you can putt!!!! If you can't read the greens and don't know how to deal with the speeds then all the cheats in the world are not going to help you...

    Just play the game and stop all this bitching about cheats.. They are there, they are being used and they are crap unless you can putt.....

    Its a computer generated game that can be beaten if you put in the practice and learn the maths..

    VEM is the biggest cheater on this game and can never be beat!!!!!

    Enjoy your golf and play with friends.... You may find its fun!!!!!!


  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 9:44 AM


    All of a SUDDEN there a  language  barrier ....... You wgtls members are Toooooooo funny

    Well for your information I very rarely play any of the tournaments on WGTLS. I am still a member but not a particularly active one.

    My comment was made not as a WGTLS member, moreso as someone who finds your abuse incredibly ignorant and disrespectful. It is possible to have debate and to have opposing opinions without the need to be abusive.


  • russellfahey
    4,286 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 9:49 AM


    Is it only my impression, or does anybody else think that some WGTLS problems have successfully been transported to this forum for a useless slugfest?

    Please stop!

    I completely agree with you there Alosso as what started out was a post about someone being accused of cheating,soon degenerated to RM having a more than a few swipes at the WGTLS site and the mods on this site, which he seems to have a beef with imo.I only joined this thread when he called WGTLS a British Elitest site which is complete BS!! and because of this he decided i was also a smug Elitest LMAO TOO FUNNY.Like i have already said i think there are valid points to what Jeff and other ppl have mentioned to,as regards both sides of the argument.



  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 9:50 AM



    then the argument of their need to hold the meter to make it smoother doesn't hold water to me,
    It has been a popular advice against a stuttering meter as long as I've been around and has been testified in this thread by Woodo and Courteney and RM and MB (citing Andyson) and YJ and alanti and myself, even JC (arguing against himself nicely on page 6), and Barry acknowledged it.

    What else do you need to understand that it's common practice to hold the backswing, making the proposed backswing time count a useless witchhunt?

    This is what i was talking about as regards ppl taking snippets of a post to make there point have some validity!!

    Now Alosso try reading the whole part of what i wrote again pls and then respond to the question i asked at the end of the statement.

    My point is this if they are taking on average 2-4 secs per drive but then taking 15 seconds on there approaches on sometimes a critical part of the game or mp,then the argument of their need to hold the meter to make it smoother doesn't hold water to me,as surely you need to hit the f/w on your drive to allow you to play a good approach shot,rather than being in the rough of say 30-40% 190yrds from pin or even worse if your playing Merion,don't you agree?

     The point i was trying to get across,was that it's all about looking for consistency in how a player plays/executes his shots as regards the whiteout method throughout the entiire round.This is where Jeffs post comes in,but like i have already mentioned and agreed with ppl that it is not a foolproof method!!!!

     I know it's also common practice to hold the backswing to make the meter smoother,i have no problem with that but if this is the case then why aren't they doing this on every shot if there meter is a problem?? i only become suspicious when the time gets nearer the 15 second mark as anything under 10 seconds i don't really worry about, as i see them as holding there meter due to the cpu issue.But these players are only taking 2-4 seconds to drive off the tee,can you not see why tis may arouse my suspicion??

     If that makes me smug and Elitest as RM likes to portray me as then so be it,i mean come on RM is so unreproachable i must surely be in the wrong to dare to have an opinion that is different to his.




    having an opinion is one thing...but basically telling other player to play exactly like me or you might get called a cheater is something totally different....Still haven't heard one wgtls member or Mod say hey maybe that post went a little to far maybe we need to take it down before some unknown newbie reads it and goes out and starts accusing others of cheating....... ELITEST or THICK   you pick