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Here we go again

Sat, Aug 3 2013 11:52 AM (288 replies)
  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 8:24 AM

    I know this may be the wrong place to post this, but I wanted to make sure this was seen by most. But if you feel you need to move it, go ahead.

    This is how to recognize if someone is using Cheat Engine. 
    1. Click on the Menu tab when it is someone's shot.
    2. Notice that most of the choices are highlighted and you are able to click on them. 
    3. When those choices are no longer highlighted, that means the player has started pulling his meter back for the shot. 
    4. Now look at the timer and count with it on how long it takes before you see the player hit the ball. 
    5. A normal shot will take anywhere from 2-4 seconds. 

    A lot of us have seen the You Tube video on how to set up and use "Cheat Engine". In that application the setting for the speed, under "Enable Speedhack", is 0.1. Under this setting a shot will take anywhere from 17-20 seconds, using the steps provided above. (Remember, these are not total times it takes a person to take a shot from when his shot timer begins. These are times to where the highlighted menu options are no longer highlighted, to the instance the ball is actually hit.) 

    Now this is the setting I believe most were using until it became common knowledge of this Cheat. Then when it was told how to recognize someone using this cheat, players had to find a way to try and hide they were using it. So what I believe they started doing is, changing the setting for the Speedhack. This is done by changing the setting from 0.1 to a setting of say 0.15, 0.2 or even 0.25. You can change that number to what ever speed you are comfortable with to still be able to hit the ding easily. 

    Here are some time calculations on the different settings. (Remember, these are not total times it takes a person to take a shot from when his shot timer begins. These are times to where the highlighted menu options are no longer highlighted, to the instance the ball is actually hit.) The times will vary by only 1 second or 2, depending on if the player is using a Driver, Iron, Wedge or putter. 
    0.1---17-20 seconds
    0.15--12-14 seconds
    0.2---9-10 seconds
    0.25---7-8 seconds
    I'm sure you are asking how I know all of this? I'll come straight out and tell you how. I downloaded the program. I did this because I wanted to know how to tell if someone else was using it and how they could use it. I also wanted to see if there were anymore tells from someone else using this program. I am perfectly comfortable telling you this because you can look at all of my shots while playing and you will see I never take more than 4 seconds on a shot. Unless pitching or chipping and that is because I count the club clicks and sometimes you have to find 2 or 3 club clicks on a pitch or chip. Plus you can look at my profile and see, I'm not one to play RG's or a lot of Skins or MP challenges. I believe that is when the program is most used by users. For credits. And personally I don't care what you think about me negatively for downloading this program, because I play this game for myself. I play for fun, the competition, and the friendships that are made. 

    Now I've been watching players for the last month and I can't believe how many players are using this now. Its unbelievable. I just knew this was going to happen when it became common knowledge of this program. And it's really taking the fun out of the game. Now I know, myself included, some of us when we pull the meter back we hold it for a couple seconds, but still, it should not take more than 4 or 5 seconds for the ball to be hit. And some guys are going to try and mask that they are using the program by saying that. But I don't believe anyone holds there meter back more than a couple seconds. 

    This is what I've seen lately and how players are using the program. It is very rarely used on drives. The places you see it used the most is on approach shots. Specially when it's a critical shot. It's used a lot on par 3's. And then again while putting in a critical spot or when they really need to hit the ding on a straight or pretty straight putt. Also most are using a speed setting on the program so their shot takes about 8 seconds. They think it's a little harder to accuse them of cheating that way. Most players that I have seen are pretty repetitious on the 2-4 seconds on a shot, but then when I see them take 8 seconds or more on a shot because of the score of a game or on a critical shot, I know they are using the program. 

    I believe a lot of players have started using this program because they got tired of being beat by the cheaters and figured they needed to even the playing field. I for one will not do that. I will quit playing here before I do that. My goal with this thread is to educate all of you on how to identify someone using this program. That way if you accuse someone of using this program, you have the knowledge to back you up. Now I know this isn't a fool proof way of accusing someone and I'm sorry to say that some innocent people will get accused, but I hope it will make players think twice about using the program to play the game. I for one am going to let this thread circulate for about a week. Then after a week, if I believe a player is using it in a match against me, I'm going to confront them, then and there. I'm going to keep a list and talk with other players that I know I can trust and compare lists, if they have one. Then I'm going to start naming and shaming. If I am wrong about someone, I have no problem apologizing to anyone when I am wrong. After all, I had to apologize to Tdslimit (doc) once. And that's a hard pill to So please, don't start accusing players right off the bat or naming and shaming. Give it about a week and see what happens. Then compare notes with other players you trust before taking action. 

    this is the Post that has started all the BS.....He seems to understand the cheat program very well for someone who just downloaded it. Greg

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 8:33 AM


    Yesterday while playing, one of the players i was playing against started complaining about how much time i was in back swing...started saying i was cheating and using a ding program.Wont name names unlike this low life, but found where he got  info about cheating...It seems a certain player posted in the WGTLS forum saying anyone that use's more than 2 -4 seconds in backswing are all cheaters...

    This person didn't take into account different meter speeds for club and balls, he just based this off of the equipment he use's (he down loaded cheat program and used it), nor did he take into account that some let there backswing time out trying to get a smoother meter... Nope he just Grouped everyone togather say'n there trying to cover up there cheating by holding your back swing longer....

    Next time i'm questioned about my Backswing time i will go into snail mode, Take the full time 90 sec, 60 sec and i will make sure to time out every backswing just to piss you off even worse.....It's bad enough that were being Policed to death in the REAL world...WE DONT NEED TO BE POLICED WHILE PLAYING AN EFFIN GAME...Greg

    Some players play slow , as a diversion , to keep other players distracted . Others play slow , because it helps with smoother game play . As long as you know that you are an honest player , what does it matter , what others say . Time and time again , its said here in the forums , play with people that you know . Create a friends list , and stick too it . In doing so you will avoid many headaches and butt heads in the game. So dont let the cry babies and the sore losers , cause you to stop enjoying the game. My 2 cents. Happy Swinging :-)

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 8:38 AM

    I have to hold at the top of the back-swing for 6 to 8 seconds in a vain attempt to get a smooth meter. I'm sure lots of others do too.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 8:47 AM

    You cant see the other players back swing, only your own.  if your opponent hold the swing for as long as he/she can, all you're going to see on your end is a normal swing, no pauses or anything.  Jeez all these "cheat" posts.  if players DO CHEAT, they're not very good players in the first place.  they might be players who score 65 at best, and IF they did cheat, they might score 64.  No threat to any one.  The good players here are just good without the use of anything except Nike balls and R11 irons. it seems no one's bothered about SAND BAGGERS any more, the new fashion is this pointless so called cheat device and made up ways to try and detect if any one's using one.  What next, If your avatar looks down he's trying to tell you your opponent has a cheat engine.  Too many x box kids with their unlimited lives syndrome. PLEASE, find me some one who's using a cheat device, send them my way let me see them in action because if that player needs some help then he's not a v.good player.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 8:56 AM

    You cant see the other players back swing, only your own.  if your opponent hold the swing for as long as he/she can, all you're going to see on your end is a normal swing,

    Yes, you're right but that's not what's making the fuss. Open the Menu list during the other player's turn. When it goes from active (white letters) to inactive (greyed out letters) is when they started their swing. The length of time it's greyed out before you see the actual swing is being timed by those trying to play Sherlock Holmes. They have decided to label anyone taking longer than X number of seconds a cheat, all based on this. 

    If you're convinced of something you can always find a way to validate it in your own mind and this is what they're doing. Then the sheep show up and pile on the bandwagon.  LOL

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 9:01 AM

    Yes, you're right but that's not what's making the fuss. Open the Menu list during the other player's turn. When it goes from active (white letters) to inactive (greyed out letters) is when they started their swing. The length of time it's greyed out before you see the actual swing is being timed by those trying to play Sherlock Holmes. They have decided to label anyone taking longer than X number of seconds a cheat, all based on this. 

    If these players would spend more time learning the game rather than concentrating what happens in the menu during an opponents shot  as you said playing CSIWGT then they might be a bit better prepared for their next shot.  Its getting to the stage now where players accuse others of cheating if they lose rather than they're own shortcomings.  It used to be comical all this cheat business but now Its getting v.tedious post aftre post of BS

  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 9:12 AM


    I have to hold at the top of the back-swing for 6 to 8 seconds in a vain attempt to get a smooth meter. I'm sure lots of others do too.

    Thank you courteney...When i tell people i do this,  they say it doesn't make differnace.. I dont know about you but i have seen a differance some times i let it time out if meter is real jerky...Greg

  • TeacHa
    186 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 9:44 AM


    I have to hold at the top of the back-swing for 6 to 8 seconds in a vain attempt to get a smooth meter. I'm sure lots of others do too.

    I'd go crazy doing that and be totally out of rhythm and out of concentration.

    But as long as your meter doesn't need 20+ seconds to arrive at the 'ding' after you've released your back swing, I won't judge you and who cares? lol.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 9:49 AM

    You know, I don't agree with cheating. I also know that there are some talented people out there that can program .

    Your not going to stop it, you can try and catch them till your ass falls off. All I can say is don't play any one for credits. If you like to gamble play you friends in a skins match.

    Like I said there some very talented people out there. One program I know of that someone wrote will go as far as to showing you with an arrow on the screen where to put the marker, along with what club to use and what power is needed. Also I think it hits the ding.

    Now with that being said can u blame people for doing this , when WGT messes with the game .  I guess it's just human nature to try and beat the system.

    Some people are content to sit back and say  WTF. Some people scream and holler ( thats me) and some people say Fook you , I will beat you.  

  • terbal
    286 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 10:37 AM



    Yesterday while playing, one of the players i was playing against started complaining about how much time i was in back swing...started saying i was cheating and using a ding program.Wont name names unlike this low life, but found where he got  info about cheating...It seems a certain player posted in the WGTLS forum saying anyone that use's more than 2 -4 seconds in backswing are all cheaters...

    This person didn't take into account different meter speeds for club and balls, he just based this off of the equipment he use's (he down loaded cheat program and used it), nor did he take into account that some let there backswing time out trying to get a smoother meter... Nope he just Grouped everyone togather say'n there trying to cover up there cheating by holding your back swing longer....

    Next time i'm questioned about my Backswing time i will go into snail mode, Take the full time 90 sec, 60 sec and i will make sure to time out every backswing just to piss you off even worse.....It's bad enough that were being Policed to death in the REAL world...WE DONT NEED TO BE POLICED WHILE PLAYING AN EFFIN GAME...Greg

    Some players play slow , as a diversion , to keep other players distracted . Others play slow , because it helps with smoother game play . As long as you know that you are an honest player , what does it matter , what others say . Time and time again , its said here in the forums , play with people that you know . Create a friends list , and stick too it . In doing so you will avoid many headaches and butt heads in the game. So dont let the cry babies and the sore losers , cause you to stop enjoying the game. My 2 cents. Happy Swinging :-)

    its the cheaters that are spoiling the game.