Yesterday while playing, one of the players i was playing against started complaining about how much time i was in back swing...started saying i was cheating and using a ding program.Wont name names unlike this low life, but found where he got info about cheating...It seems a certain player posted in the WGTLS forum saying anyone that use's more than 2 -4 seconds in backswing are all cheaters...
This person didn't take into account different meter speeds for club and balls, he just based this off of the equipment he use's (he down loaded cheat program and used it), nor did he take into account that some let there backswing time out trying to get a smoother meter... Nope he just Grouped everyone togather say'n there trying to cover up there cheating by holding your back swing longer....
Next time i'm questioned about my Backswing time i will go into snail mode, Take the full time 90 sec, 60 sec and i will make sure to time out every backswing just to piss you off even worse.....It's bad enough that were being Policed to death in the REAL world...WE DONT NEED TO BE POLICED WHILE PLAYING AN EFFIN GAME...Greg