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Here we go again

Sat, Aug 3 2013 11:52 AM (288 replies)
  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 8:18 AM




    Downloading this cheat program is not cheating, installing it is not cheating, trying to find out how it works by your own in a non competitive way, or even with others if they know is not even cheating. Its gaining knowledge.

    Only when you use it in a competitive way, say in a tourney, any game against another, or any form where a win is of some importance, its cheating, because you are using out of the game - software to unnaturally enhance your chance to better your results.


    If you go that far already convicting the fact that somebody takes a step into cheating before actually using it, then you have to throw out all the people who ever did even think of it, or think about the use of it by themselves or others in any way possible.

    Which makes everyone guilty Sorry i'm done here. Yall have at it. This is craziness at is best. This game is done, no integrity left.

    If you used this software in a none competitive round,,,you just broke the rules!!!!!

    Damn shame. Good luck to all. :)

    Edit: I would like to know though what part of the rules do you not understand? Its wrong, period! Gaining knowledge? What do you need to know? You can't see if someone is using it,,,,pipe dream mate. Way too many variables in the picture.

    In all you say its inevitable that you are greatly opposed to cheating, as are most of us, and even in the most early stage of it, even before using it when is actually has effect on results concerning others.

    If so, are you not a bit curious how you , we , WGT,WGTLS could detect if someone indeed is using any sort of this kind of software?

    Yes i agree with you on that it would be nice for us to spot it. And yes i hate cheats with a passion. I play RL golf for over 30 years, integrity is the game. I catch you cheating with me in RL, you will never play with me again, that is certain.

    But it is not our job to police cheats. It is WGT's job. In reading how to spot cheats, it has way to many variables to spot one.

    Also it is against the rules to download and check any cheat. I don't care if competitive round or not, it is against the rules. That is why they have rules,,,no? I would think no one is above the rules, huh?

    Bottom line is WGT needs to do something, and right now i don't think they can do anything, but until then you get caught or openly admit to using it, you need to go.

    Agreed there?

    Edit: I would think you are walking a very fine line here. I would reply with great caution. I would not say anything that might cause you troubles down the line. I would choose my words very wisely.


  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 8:19 AM






    Simple fact: cheating software for this game exist, is available and is being used.


    Question: Are we just going to accept that fact, or should we be trying to do something about it?

    We all understand this Fact Cove...But To Post  something  so full of errors, and that will cause Players to be called out as cheats if there cheating or not....You Really think this helping the Game Out....Then to take the stance we didn't do anything wrong, Really? What the Rules of the game doesn't apply to WGTLS members. You guys take this as a personal attack by me...well it's not I was trying to simply point how flawed this Post  really  is.....All of you need to put your EGO's aside play the game worry about YOUR game and let others worry about theres, then thing might run a little smoother  



    Is it even possible for you to reply to anything without using some sort of abusal? 

    You say that this post of jcgfree could lead to all kind of unsubstantial accusations, but along the way of this topic of yours you are doing nothing else.


    How can i put it so even someone a thick as you will get it, Lets see here.....Sorry cant Dumb down enough for you.....Your response just enforces the SMUG  ELITIST  attitude i have been Talking about...  


    So proving my point by not making any sound argument, but just calling me smug, thick and dumb and elitist, in whatever contence you place that last one, because that is passing me by compeltely

    Is that all what you have got to say?

    YEAH   you sure making yourself look like an total BUTTHOLE...I'm done here just wanted everyone on WGT see how MODS at wgtls act....DUDE ARE YOU THAT THICK.........LMFAO


  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 8:30 AM

    Absolutely do I agree, but there is one major problem: WGT does not act, well, as far as we know. It should be possible to detect the inconsistencies in the gaming software when someone is using any form of cheating software, but nothing happens, not even an announcement they are working on it.

    And I even understand that, because WGT is a commercial game and needs to earn money out of it. I am very afraid that if they indeed imply such detection, we would be shocked how widely spread it possible is.

    And because of the fact that WGT does nothing people stay very curious to try and detect themselves ways of finding cheats out

  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 8:34 AM

    But why, and I ask again, rmchangin, is that a concern for WGT members and are you making such a fuzz about it here. It has nothing to do with WGT, and nothing to do with the fact that you left WGTLS because you were sick of that cheating *** we dare to question on WGTLS

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 8:42 AM

    Indignation, anger, harsh words, finger pointing - what's going on here?

    Did the United Nations hack WGT and put all  of us on the " No Longer to be taken Seriously"  list?

    Has someone been grievously hurt - any lives lost?
    I have only been here for a few years - I don't compete 'head to head' for credits - and I could not recognize a cheat unless somebody told me that they were cheating and described how they were doing it (this thread withstanding)!

    People with integrity simply do not cheat! 

    If there are cheaters playing here, rather obviously, they have no integrity and fall into the same category as 'pond scum' and animal droppings - therefore to be avoided.

    If you lose, take it, shut up, move on and don't play that person anymore. But, please, quit being so ready to accuse someone of cheating.

    A long time ago, a wise man said something apropos of this whole thread:

          "The man who worries the most about someone stealing from him - is a thief!"

    (Just saying)

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 8:50 AM



    How can i put it so even someone a thick as you will get it, Lets see here.....Sorry cant Dumb down enough for you.....Your response just enforces the SMUG  ELITIST  attitude i have been Talking about...  


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 8:57 AM


    aving a program on your computer does facilitate its use.

    Since you won't, I did.

    In order to facilitate something you would have to use it. Facilitate is a verb. Having it doesn't mean using it.

    Semantics.  :-)

    Sorry, it's like an itch -



      [fuh-sil-i-teyt]  Show IPA
    verb (used with object), fa·cil·i·tat·ed, fa·cil·i·tat·ing. make easier or less difficult; help forward (an action, a process, etc.) assist the progress of (a person).

    I'd say downloading the program does indeed assist in the progress of a person to cheat.


  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 9:05 AM


    But why, and I ask again, rmchangin, is that a concern for WGT members and are you making such a fuzz about it here. It has nothing to do with WGT, and nothing to do with the fact that you left WGTLS because you were sick of that cheating *** we dare to question on WGTLS

    If you got  something  to say spit it MAN ...You did'nt dare to question you allowed Someone to Post to YOUR Forum, something so full of errors that all it will do is cause everyone to point fingers at each other...Period...and not one person from WGTLS seems to have a problem with it, But if you took the time to read ALL the  replies, you see almost all wgt members dont agree with you..And Yet JC is still spewing out the same bull crap on YOUR forum as of today.....YOU will never get it will you...  


  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 9:07 AM

    lack of information is likely to start a war.

    jeez a german mentioning the war look out :)

    only bustin ya balls alosso,no harm intended m8.i just couldnt resist.....

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 9:10 AM


    YEAH   you sure making yourself look like an total BUTTHOLE...I'm done here just wanted everyone on WGT see how MODS at wgtls act....DUDE ARE YOU THAT THICK.........LMFAO

    Perhaps you would be so kind to Covenant, purely as a friendly gesture so that he doesn't continue to appear "thick", to continue the debate in Dutch?

    I am sure you will undoubtedly continue to trump Covenant in the intellectual stakes even with the disadvantage of conversing in a secondary language to you such as Dutch.