whenever things are going to crap for me or i am getting very angry or frustrated at my playing i go play alt shot.
For me alt shot has only one purpose, the people. I don't care what my alt shot record is. I don't care if I win or lose it. I can use it to try things i wouldn't normally and when you do make a good shot you usually get praise and if you mess up people tend not to get too upset, in most cases, some people are a holes.
So at the end of the day the people you play with in alt shot are a lot less hard on you then you are on yourself so it allows you to relax and have fun. Undoubtedly there is always one clown in the group, sometimes me, and you end up cracking jokes etc and having a good time, again it allows you to relax and smile and have some fun.
Tourneys and RGs can be stressful if you take them seriously, so at times you have to back off, walk away, find the enjoyment again. This is a game, as is golf and you should enjoy it. We all have slumps, we all have highs, but in the end you need to being enjoying yourself