gmaster007:let's show our appreciation to WGT with the "best of" VEM hijacks, oh! here's one:
Are you serious??!! I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings but you have absolutely no clue nor do you make sense. You turn an outstanding shot into a "VEM hijack?" What the heck are you expecting there-an accident like going in the hole?
This is what he's crying about. Go figure...........
cm'on it was in mid-roll into the hole...
and besides, the end result shouldn't be the issue here IMO,
it should be that these skewing elements are distorting this game!
you want a VEM heartbreaker? I got those too.
still not the point. point is that this formula or whatever you wanna call it,
is killing the nature of the game. just look at that roll, it doesn't stop naturally,
it's like someone hit pause or something...
also this wasn't a rant or anything, I really DO wanna see some other VEM's,
I think that if enough of these are accumulated from a variety of players,
it adds to our "case" against VEM which still remains an issue wgt won't comment on.
btw VEM is not necessarily a bad idea,
if you implement it correctly, meaning reducing margin of error,
but what I notice (and this is just my own game experience )
is that the VEM is implemented by the game not playing
in the way you play it, meaning you aim right, wind is to the right
and ball goes left. straight flat putts take a dive to left or right for no reason,
rolling ball on the greens stops as if hitting an invisible brick wall...
those sort of things are not challenging but just plain dumb,
because they have nothing to do with your actions and choices,
and that's why this VEM sucks so much, had it been like it should,
it'd be harder yes, but it a fair and reasonable manner,
who knows maybe UEL will do that and we wouldn't need this pseudo VEM.