First of all, many thanks to WGT for making this game never boring! This is the most important matter, for me!
Their marketing office know very well how many people are available to pay more for the novelties. I'm not in that number. I hate to be stifled.
The new meters are not interesting, imo.
The vertical is useless since is going around on screen. Placed on one fixed side there should be a nice alternative.
The is a joke, good for SuperHeroes or so on. I use the avatar movements for calculating the shots, so for me is useless since the avatar is static and, anymore, I should have to calculate double quick the movements in 1 or 2 seconds maximum..... Also if u have to make a shot at, let's say, 87%, how the hell can u snap at the right point on the scale and then snap again to get the ding or the point u want?! This meter just doubles the difficulties of a shot. I can't imagine one single person using it.
All the other new features are great. Byeeeeee