HWei: pfff pffff pffff pffff well excuuuuuuussseee ME
well why did you drop off the tour legend to tour legend line?
here's the full original as originally offered by GENORB in 2010ish and updated as progressed.
These days thoough due to the Anti Sandbagging Measuers, it is possibly to advance faster than this suggests.
So in summary we have:
- When your average score is equal or smaller than 100 you go from Hack to Amateur.
- When it is equal or smaller than 80 you go from Amateur to Pro.
- When it is equal or smaller than 72 you go from Pro to Tour Pro
- When it is equal or smaller than 67 you go from Tour Pro to Master
- When it is equal or smaller than 63 you go from Master to Tour master
- When it is equal or smaller than 61 you go from Tour master to legend
- When it is equal or smaller than 60 you go from Legend to Tour Legend*
- you need to play at least 5 ranked rounds as Hack before reaching Amateur
- you need to play at least 10 ranked rounds as Amateur before reaching Pro
- you need to play at least 20 ranked rounds as Pro before reaching Tour pro
- you need to play at least 25 ranked rounds as Tour pro before reaching Master
- you need to play at least 40 ranked rounds as Master before reaching Tour Master
- you need to play at least 50 ranked rounds as Tour Master before reaching Legend
- You need at least 500 ranked rounds as Legend before reaching Tour Legend
Notice that those minimal number of ranked rounds are also the
number of best rounds used to compute your average in that particular
tier. So if you are Tour Master for example, your average is computed
with your best 50 ranked round (that's why you need at least 50 rounds
to move up).