jeffdos924: Big deal .... that crap has ZERO affect on MY game, so why should I care?
If players don't know the unwritten rule about being sharked in this game by now, they deserve to be taken.
This topic along with the swing meter and cheating topics are way past old.
Sorry G!
So let me try to understand what you are saying Richard. You are saying that all lower tier players should not play ready goes, because of Multis?
You do realize if all the lower tiers knew that what would happen. I think you do. There will always be bagging going on,, but in this particular instance i think this is way overboard.
Its stealing,,,period. This topic should not get old. I have many lower tiers friends here and i would hope the upper tiers in this game would look out for them.
I 100% agree with Gerald and how some players can even try to justify this is incomprehensible. I cannot believe some of the senior players have such a narrow minded viewpoint, but I can assure you if they got beaten by someone cheating in other ways we would never hear the end of it!
It is a serious problem that puts genuine new players off playing the game and is time that WGT started doing more to prevent this occuring constantly by auditing new players that suddenly burst onto the scene and cleaning up in credit matches.
The player concerned has purchased one sleeve of balls - thats it, the rest gifted so they can have a good win at the lower levels and it is not only this players id.
I am disgusted at the low life multis, but just as disgusted by the blase attitude of some others.
Alan, this is as blatant as it gets. Shoots -10 under par first round here, lol.
LOL, and you are right, if they were master's and playing ready goes against this player they would not think the same way, lol, that is certain.
Because......their credits would be gone, lol. I never even look for these Multis,but this one though jumped out at me like a sore thumb.
Pitiful it what it is, and for senior players here not protecting the lower tiers that is for a different thread.
This particular scum bag needs to go right NOW!