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LOL, Question.....again??

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Mon, Jul 29 2013 3:12 PM (29 replies)
  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 2:49 PM

    but I can assure you if they got beaten by someone cheating in other ways we would never hear the end of it!

    That's just it Alanti. The senior players aren't playing these Jocko's, so who cares?

    Like Pj's said, WGT isn't going to do anything about it. We've all read these thread topics week after week for years, and its always the same old thing.

    Nothing is going to be done about this for whatever reason. Sure, players can turn in the names to WGT, but then everyone sees the same result, nothing happens to the accused.

    Its become a player beware situation, and the senior WGT staff has even eluded to it.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 3:12 PM


    That's just it Alanti. The senior players aren't playing these Jocko's, so who cares?

    There is such a thing called duty of care, but I do concur, that this has been going on for years and is well documented in the forums. But does that make it right? Just because it does not directly impact you, should we just become blase? After all if there was a terrorist attack but did not affect your city, does that not become all of our problems?

    Nothing is going to be done about this for whatever reason

    Obviously the reasons are financial, as I said earlier, someone foots the bill and the more players (even if grossly over-inflated) the higher the demand and cost for the advertisers. But there are many ways that WGT could and should monitor these accounts, players  who "turn in names" do not have the same ability to monitor accounts, but if we can find multis, why are WGT not being proactive........oh the financials again.

    But then again, how many genuine players leave the game after being fleeced, or will not play credit games, and how many people do they tell that will deter them from even playing.

    It is all well and good shutting down these multis but by the time they get busted they have invariably moved onto the next id, To red flag any player who jumps out of the starting box well should be red flagged for a full audit - very easy to do - at least it would be a start.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 3:25 PM

    Would of be a good start to cash in the property of each and any convicted multi breeching the rules - still there is serious doubt about it.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 5:04 PM

    I do not disagree Alanti, multi-accounting is a problem like the plague at WGT.

    It isn't that WGT doesn't care about this issue, or any of the veteran players for that matter. WGT is only putting their resources where they can better reap a profit and I for one can't fault them for that.

    I totally agree with your recent statement Alanti. Especially the latter.

    The only way to combat this situation is to turn in these multi-accounter names and let WGT sort it. With that being said, WGT should be diligent and take each profile serious that gets turned into them.

    Meanwhile, all these threads are getting tiresome. If someone sees a multi-accounter, send WGT the information with evidence and let them sort this issue in private. This is all I, and I believe Jeff was eluding to.

    FWIW, I've often wondered how many of the top credit earners on the earnings leader-board are multi-accounters. I'm not accusing anyone, just food for thought.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 6:53 PM


    Pitiful it what it is, and for senior players here not protecting the lower tiers that is for a different thread.

    This particular scum bag needs to go right NOW!



    If you're actually that concerned just report the player directly to WGT instead of starting a thread like this one .Provide the name of the player and a link to their profile page notating the join date, the unusually good scoring, and the credits already taken. It's not that hard.

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 9:01 PM

    Whats funny is when WGT decided to suspend my account for posting a picture that I thought was funny ( I guess they didn't) I made a 2nd account and they closed it right away and I didnt even use the account to play only to communicate . I bet had I played and spent money it would not have been closed.

    This sort of thing needs to stop but I am afraid it has gone on so long that by the time it stops this game will be obsolete so........

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 9:12 PM

    If you're actually that concerned just report the player directly to WGT instead of starting a thread like this one .Provide the name of the player and a link to their profile page notating the join date, the unusually good scoring, and the credits already taken. It's not that hard.


    This is the only way us devoted players can keep up with this issue.

    At the same time, again, WGT has to be devoted to closing these multi-accounts down. And I feel WGT should inform the community of their intentions, not their disciplinary actions.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 9:37 PM

    CD, I agree, but why is the onus on the community rather than WGT being proactive on this issue. Even if we had a button that we could report breaches of the T&C not only multis but including players abuse which sadly happens) and that could include screen shots. Currently the system is too cumbersome so many would not make the effort.

    All Gerald has done is alerted a "possible breach" and did not name or shame. No you do not need to be a rocket scientist to work out which player(s) are involved but at least it is a reminder or warning to newer members who read this post..

    However I agree 100% that WGT has to be devoted to closing these accounts and possibly publishing players who breach these rules. The lower levels keep new income coming in and therefore I believe it is essential that they are playing on a level playing field to keep them here.

    It is time for WGT to be proactive, not reactive and that should start with a clear message about their intentions, not just a "we will act upon a case by case basis when we are alerted" as currently happens.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 10:02 PM

    That is just it Alan, i have reported these scum bags. With that said the stealing continues.

    So....i thought i would make a post. Maybe should not have done that, maybe should let the lower tiers get robbed. Right,  who cares??

    I also know for a fact that a lot of the players know that they have a few nastys close to the top of the board now. Looking at their history is shocking, lol. Have reported, nothing done.

    Hmmmm, winning 18 skins in 18 hole matches,,,hmmmm,, like 100 times, in a row, lol.

    This game is getting to be a joke, that is certain. If continues the only way is down. I will make sure i do not post anything of this nature again. Since seems this is the way of the future. Would not want to rock the boat. ;)

    Edit: Our mighty Master has just won another ready go. Way to go!!

  • Tonto0206
    460 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 10:32 PM

    As good as I am, I have never won a sausage at any level, from hack to legend.

    As for winning an RG, that's just too funny.

    AS is my game, for fun.