Good day,
I best not ruffle collective feathers in my first week.
I'll wait until my 3rd week!
I will be diplomatic and let some of you folks direct my attitude here on what I'm guessing is an old & sore issue.
I am running into other-wordly scores of a fellow hack/ amateur within tournament play. I could not care less what format this member plays, but the tourny scores are unsettling (I wonder, how many of you play this person in match type play?).
So, my question is this.
Can a member who has only 10 rounds of experience, actually have the skill required to post only sub par rounds with a 24 as it's cherry?
Again, it matters not to me if this member carries an average of 52.00!
Are these people (and I use the word very loosely) not discouraged from entering tournaments? If only to prevent their name from being always at or near the top, thus kicking out someone else who has sought that hard fought top slot (say THAT 10 times fast).
To keep slapping me, this player's profile consists of 4 friends. 3 of whom have the same name as the player (each just numerical versions of one another).
So, I will submit that this probably happens ad nauseum, as I scream loudly into my pillow.
I AM young AND new here and I am not out to challenge the status quo.
Heaven knows that I am not without fault in this world, yet I do all with integrity, knowing that the only thing that I can truly control is my character (thanks Mom).
What angers me most is that this issue led me to introduce myself to you while b******g about something.