Okay. I hoped that this was not going to happen to me, but given the unseemly regularity of uber-talented players entering into the Hack Tier; it was impossible to avoid!
I entered the week 30 unlimited play 9 at Bethpage alongside my fellow Pro Tier comrades.
With one measly day to go in the tourney, myself and another sister, after proudly watching our 30's hold up all week long, saw ourselves supplanted by a player who, as a HACK was already firing 29's and 33's,
I really shouldn't feel bad being bumped by such a talent. In fact, this player is sooo skilled, that there is not one over par round amongst all of his posted scores, (I'm pretty sure).
No shame here!
I just hope that this 'naturally gifted' member who now owns 1st place outright is as proud of their accomplishment as I/we would have been.
I worked really hard to achieve this... as I'm sure that the holder of the other 30 did.
End of the world? C'mon, it's just a game.
Sour Grapes? Not even.
My nose out of joint? You bet!!!
Nevertheless, congratulations to him and his 1st place standing.
I'm sure that 28 will hold up within our Tier play.