So here I am, 1yr & 3mnths after I joined this site ..
this will be the 1st week in 5mths that I've played almost daily .. before that
I considered myself a regular player carding ranked rounds (1 or 2 a day) &
enjoying a/s with some of the fine blokes I've come across
in my time here .. a lot of them I noticed have become pretty inactive or
altogether stopped playing .
so what drove me away ? I had to think on that a bit, but it
was mainly 2 things:
- lack of
- lack of
I managed to reach Legend after 188 ranked rounds at lvl 78.
This was before the new averaging system
that causes people to be bumped up to Legend as a result of match play wins.
Since then the pro shop have added more variety to cater to the needs of those
lower lvl players finding themselves unprepared & under clubbed. Nothing
much has been done for those at higher levels in terms of equipment.
I guess I'm kinda touching on the "done to death"
equipment/tier issue, but I began to feel pretty peeved at the fact that I
couldn't access top clubs even though I was teeing off from the tips. Anyway,
lvl 90 came, I got the R11 irons & realised to my dismay that I had to
basically double my XP before I could lay my hands on another driver .. really
See, I like choice .. alternatives. Now I found myself in
no-man's land as far as choice is concerned. Why do top level players have so
little choice ? Why put everything so far out of reach ? I don't spend hours on
end playing this game every day. How long will it take me to reach lvl94 ..
another year ? Good grief, that's just dumb.
I don't mind paying a premium on things I want .. demand
& supply .. after all, I've paid my dues & spend enough green on balls
& clubs advancing through levels & tiers. And I won't mind spending
some more on a game I like, a hobby if you will, provided it is made available
to me.
Not enough courses ? Honestly, I'm fine with what we have
(although 2 courses a year wouldn't hurt). VEM? .. pfft .. whatever. Lost balls
? .. ditto .. pfft. Bugs ? .. use pesticide .. moving on. Gift cards ? .. ok,
there's a legit gripe IMO. Meter stutter ? .. harharhar .. alrighty then.
Gimme choice .. alternatives .. I am legend .. gimme clubs
.. open the pro shop .. keep the R1 .. gimme a R11s special edition .. you've
done it with the R1 WGT .. create some more incentives .. service your
customers .. that means ME.
Lack of communication & feedback. Well yeah, not much
more can be said about that. What happened to the MrWGT chats ? What happened
to engaging with your customers in the forums. Afraid of a little heat ? C'mon
now, balls of steel, yeah? And I'm not talking about the bullchit posts that
claim conspiracy theories .. ignore those by all means. You have my blessing.
But engage legitimate requests & concerns. Why is that so damn hard ? Don't
stick your head into the sand, cause I can see ur A$$ sticking up in the air with
a bulls eye painted all over it. Hold that position & expect some pot shots.
WGT .. wherefore art thou ??
Do I hear an echo ?
Edit: Feel free to
criticize, comment, commend, troll, postulate & hypothesize.. whatever
blows ur hair back.