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Wherefore art thou WGT ?

Sat, Jul 13 2013 3:20 AM (40 replies)
  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 2:06 PM

    Bogeyman .. thx for ur observations

    allow me to respond to a few of yours:

    "What they have done in my opinion is to take what was the hardest and most rewarding and that was going from 61.50 down to 61 as a tourmaster to get to legend, I learned more during that stretch probably then anytime else, it made you want to get better."

    agreed .. it was the same for me .. i likewise reached Legend the "old-fashioned way" ,, what was even harder was to hit a sub-60 avg after reaching Legend .. with scores of 29 only dropping my avg with 0.01 .. it seemed like an accomplishment; effort had to be put in

    "only thing that matters is what WGT does when they listen or don't listen to the long time players, but they might not be in the listening mood too much since this legend fiasco that was brought about to soothe some wounded egos of long term players."

    this stands paramount to the case i'm trying to make .. listening to long time players .. not that i necessarily qualify as one, but i side with the faction of players who did not receive the Legend tier on a silver platter .. whether there was a shyte storm as a result of WGT attempting to stem the tide of baggers or not seems inconsequential to the concept of continued discussions .. i remember that thread well; it had blistering speed & more than a couple of infuriated posters .. i was one of them ..

    IMO, this does not preclude ongoing discourse; in fact, i state that dialogue should have intensified on the part of WGT .. hence my grievance .. something seems terribly broken when for  example a lvl93 Master can bag a shiny new R1, but a Legend, arguably capped at lvl 90 +, cannot do the same .. as "Ducatti" has mentioned ..

    i'm not necessarily advocating reverting back to the club/tier system .. that ship has sailed .. i'm simply arguing for better incentives for Legends/TL's who enter the no-man's land that is lvl 90+ .. like what WGT did with the R1 limited edition .. do the same with some other clubs like the R11s .. that will entice me to aim & shoot .. right now i have zero target .. another sub-30 round ? been there .. done that .. some a/s with the fellas .. always fun

    but dangle that carrot i say .. don't present me with a half way check point at lvl90 before i can pick up that R11s .. that's product placement suicide as far as guys like myself are concerned who don't hang here daily for hours on end chasing XP like a rabid dog.

    I come from a professional environment that addresses corporate strategy & this strategy has got "FAIL" splashed all over it .. WGT is in the fortunate position right now as having pretty much monopolised online sim golf .. that position won't hold unless innovation & incentives are intro'd with some degree of regularity .. and that's not my opinion; that is a historical & statistical certainty.

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 2:28 PM

    Icon accepted my friend request, so i'll PM him tomorrow in some detail .. i'm hoping he'll get back on this thread and share some thoughts .. i will ask him to

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 3:12 PM


    Just to say, some excellent thoughts and comments on this thread. Hopefully, some, if not all will be taken into consideration. I attempted something similar by suggesting WGT conduct a survey of their players to get their input as to what we would like to see from WGT in the future. Unfortunately, the questions were loaded towards what WGT wanted to see ( "News Letter", come on! ) and did not address player concerns. Good luck in your endeavors.

    Doc :)

  • fairground11
    1,211 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 3:47 PM



    I am here for you if you want to chat. Please feel free to contact me privately. Besides opening up all equipment to legends, without level restrictions, what else can we do with current equipment to make it more interesting?


    nail meet head

    i never play for credits so it doesnt bother me but at least if you do that the sandbaggers will only have tee advantage not tee and club advantage

  • fecks11
    235 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 5:17 PM



    Edit:  Feel free to criticize, comment, commend, troll, postulate & hypothesize.. whatever blows ur hair back.


    very well said, whenever you ask a good question one of the  sycophants usually pops up with a smart assed reply, thanks for highlighting these saddos again. There is one in particular who could do with a good seeing too and she might be happy with life after that. 


  • fecks11
    235 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 5:18 PM


    Edit:  Feel free to criticize, comment, commend, troll, postulate & hypothesize.. whatever blows ur hair back.

    very well said, whenever you ask a good question one of the  sycophants usually pops up with a smart assed reply, thanks for highlighting these saddos again. There is one in particular who could do with a good seeing too and she might be happy with life after that. 


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 5:53 PM

    I managed to reach Legend after 188 ranked rounds at lvl 78. This was before the new averaging  system that causes people to be bumped up to Legend as a result of match play wins. Since then the pro shop have added more variety to cater to the needs of those lower lvl players finding themselves unprepared & under clubbed. Nothing much has been done for those at higher levels in terms of equipment.


    I guess I see where you're coming from, but there's a difference between rewarding those such as yourself, versus rewarding the folks who'd been trying to sandbag and get bumped up...kinda like "'ve cheated your way to amass credits, so now we'll bump you up and let you get any clubs you want to be competitive again".


    Still not right...I mean how many 2nd,3rd, etc accounts would get started if say at level 65 "Legends" were allowed access to all clubs, as they were fleecing the lower tiered Tourneys and MPC games.


    My opinion is we all had to put the time in to get access to fact I know quite a few good players who were put off by the "limited level 93 R1", because they've been banging it out to get to level 98 and they could have relaxed, not spent credits on speed up boost, and had the club they wanted.

  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 11:06 PM

    here's a thought to the much visited "clubs for tiers" discussion...not meaning to degenerate back to that, but, stay with me for a minute. I play real golf and am, what I would call a slight bit better than average. I play to an 8 handicap these days. I happen to use a Burner TP Superfast driver---8.5 degree. I can hit it better than many players, and I have some friends who can hit it better than me...point is, we can all use it...second point is...If my real golf status put me eqiuvalent WGT tier of TM, my real  (equivalent) Legend and TL friends hit it better...why not make WGT clubs the same...Legend drivers go...12 yards further than TM drivers of the same brand and level...The TL  version goes an additional 6 yards past the Legend. I guess I'm saying that perhaps they could combine levels and, the Level 93 master gets the black R1 that goes 264...the TM R1 goes 270...the Legend goes 282, the TL goes 288...or...whatever...once you tier up, you're hypothetically a better player and are better with the clubs, and they now go further. I know as I became a better golfer, I could hit my clubs better/further than when I played on a 16 handicap.  It would have to be a complete "do over" and adjust everyone's clubs accordingly.

    But then again, this horse has been beaten more than Paris Hilton as been naked on the internet.  So....scrap it all, there's a full pint glass with my name on it in the other room....time to go oblige it.  My mistake for opening my pie hole in the first place....Back to Chris....hit me up for a game m8...plenty of sh*t to be talked....

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 12:14 AM


    Still not right...I mean how many 2nd,3rd, etc accounts would get started if say at level 65 "Legends" were allowed access to all clubs, as they were fleecing the lower tiered Tourneys and MPC games.


    i'm not advocating this at all .. there's enough choice on clubs right up to lvl 90 .. then, bang .. no-mans's land .. i was that typical guy who would play here 4 or 5 times a week .. for fun, not for credits .. never here to really chase the next level, certainly not after lvl 90 .. guys like me will take 1 & 1/2 yrs to reach the next driver opportunity .. simply no incentive for types like me who like variety & choice .. and there's likely more of my type than there are those who bang away daily with the mindset of "i gotta do 2000 XP a day for the next 3 months .. gotta, gotta, gotta" ..

    I bet those are the minority .. WGT will keep on bleeding off players like me who are 90 plussers & who would be willing to pay for what they want .. last night i deleted half my friends list due to them not being around anymore .. they used to be avid players like me .. all of 'em mostly Legends at level 90 + .. lost interest ..

    lvl 65 matchplay legends can wait until lvl 90 themselves before having that additional choice in club availability .. god knows, there's plenty of choice to be had until then ..

    what i'm addressing essentially speaks to innovation .. choice & availibility as one progresses through lvl 90 and are already at the Legend + tier .. & club availibility addresses only one of the issues .. there's much more that can be done to keep interest alive & kicking .. UE lies in a/s comes to mind as just one example ..

    i'm speaking towards viability & progress on the mid- to long term .. stiff competition in the future seems inevitable from what i'm seeing .. i'm speaking towards sound business & marketing strategies .. supply the demand .. test your market demographic .. put it to a poll .. let all level 90 + Legends & TL's vote on it ..

    change in a comepetitive market place is a given .. WGT won't have this monopoly indefinitely .. if i was WGT, i'd make certain that i'm not only adding players at the bottom, but also retaining players at the top who will come back for more & spend more provided you keep them interested & engaged ..

    my profession includes coming up with mid- to long term stategies .. we look towards identifying problems that we may be presented with in the future .. and then we initiate strategy and policies that will resolve those problems before they even happen .. we manage proactively, not reactively .. mid- to long term, WGT right now is not geared to stay ahead of the curve when something else comes along that embraces innovation & adheres to the supply/demand principle.


  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 12:26 AM

    This was an interesting post to read. There are some really valid points noted that I had never really thought about before. At level 101, I am obviously not caught in that 90--98 cringing level trying to get the top clubs. Hell---I got good clubs and still suck. The game to me now is all about friends and some fun.


    I don't care about clubs and balls and average and all the other stuff that makes a top player on WGT. I play this game lots and for the most part enjoy it. I quit thinking I would be a great player a long time ago. Its just fun for me and the people I have met here are priceless.My advice is to just play the game and have fun. I did manage to get R1 to find 365yd rough though ;) Cheers.