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WGT You need to wake up

Wed, Jul 17 2013 3:23 PM (32 replies)
  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Tue, Jul 16 2013 3:24 PM

    People are leaving like crazy , what is it going to take for you guys to do something about it.

    Fix all this random bull crap

    get some more courses even if you have to make them up 

    WGT is losing veteran players not newbies that get bored

    Do Something ffs 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jul 16 2013 3:34 PM

    Do Something ffs 

    Why should they?

    - New users' numbers may be o.k.

    - Veterans don't pay as much, except for a black driver,

    - leaving veterans leave winners' spaces in RGs and other competition,

    - leaving veterans take their knowledge of game and company etc with them - better chances to "forget" history. How long will it take until the community will forget Amazon Gift Cards?

    Nothing wrong with random bull crap so far :)

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Tue, Jul 16 2013 3:56 PM


    Do Something ffs 

    Why should they?

    - New users' numbers may be o.k.

    - Veterans don't pay as much, except for a black driver,

    - leaving veterans leave winners' spaces in RGs and other competition,

    - leaving veterans take their knowledge of game and company etc with them - better chances to "forget" history. How long will it take until the community will forget Amazon Gift Cards?

    Nothing wrong with random bull crap so far :)

    It's this kind of thinking that has WGT where it's at today boreing . This use to be a fun place, use to look forward to playing , new things,  tournaments. Now it's just a habit  like going to the john. Just take a look at all the great players that have left, and took all their knowledge with them . Manipulation is a little different than random


  • devonnnnn
    1,085 Posts
    Tue, Jul 16 2013 4:01 PM

    woody, if you want more of a perspective bollox said he may hang up the clubs on wgt soon after seeing those us open conditions

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Tue, Jul 16 2013 4:26 PM

    Unfortunately Al is right.  I don't agree with it, as you can see in some of my other posts, but basically once you reach legend or get to your 500th ranked round as a legend, and certainly once you are TL, you have an expiration date.

    I know there are some long time players that have toughed it out for 3 -5 years, but those are few and far between and certainly aren't where WGT makes all there cash. They have proven they are not about taking care of those who are loyal.  If they cared they would do loyalty prgrams and allow WGT nation member or those who have been here longer to receive discounts or get special deals, like all stores and business do, but not here. They figure that it doesn't matter what they do, at some point after so many rounds or so many months or years you will hang it up, so why give up profit or anything for that matter to try and get you to stay any longer.

    They have shown us where they make their money.  If it is possible go back and see where the majority of the new equipment releases get made and that will tell you where their bread and butter is and that is where they will put the bulk of their resources. The L98 R1 and the L93 limited R1 release were a couple of stripped bones that they threw the high levelers to hopefully appease them.  The level 93 black R1 was all of 5 key strokes to create.  Copy white R1 data, paste new, Color=black, Level=93 price=3495, outcome cha-ching for WGT

  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Tue, Jul 16 2013 4:43 PM

    woody is spot on. the game is very boaring  2 be honest i find it a heep of s@@@t only wish i never spent so much money on this game.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Tue, Jul 16 2013 5:11 PM

    Well they are not going to try and cater to the players , they have heard our complaints , they have seen people leave . Yet they still put out one course a year , pricing for equipment is out radgest , some of the things the ball does in a shot just baffels your mind . so all the ones that truly what a game that is fair , fun , and reasonably priced will just have to wait  something will come along thats a fact.

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Jul 16 2013 5:16 PM

    People are leaving like crazy

    Disagree. Most veteran players that are still active have become much more reserved, They play some RG's, maybe  a CC tourny or 2 and log off. I think for the most part, the reason a veteran player leaves is the infamous burn-out. Some come back some just get on with RL. Yes a few have left because they couldn't handle the "programing" and all the little glitches but for the really hardcore veterans who left the game NOT TO RETURN, finally got BURNED OUT, period.  

    NOTE how I said, NOT TO RETURN. Many , MANY players leave, or say they are leaving only to RETURN 3 days Or at the most a week or 2 and then they are slowly posting scores again,,lol. 

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Jul 16 2013 5:22 PM

    Well I agree with Alosso and to a certain degree with the OP.

    Just look at the "wherefore art thou" thread by Chris and I think all "old timers" will agree, that there is little to look forward to. I agree new impetus needs to be added for veterans, including Tournament Variations, new courses and equipment.

    But as JS says, new equipment is primarily aimed at newer players - these are the players actually spending.

    In many ways WGT has shot itself in the foot, introducing clubs and balls that have made the game far to easy, and players complain when they only shoot a 27. Gone is the challenge, and this IMO drives players away. So then we get VEM and everyone acts like a 3 year old and has a tantrum - what else can WGT do? So what, you have a 20 foot putt, not a 5 footer.

    The last think we need is better equipment - we upper level players need better choices but not better specs,

    I suppose I am lucky that I have not mastered the game and probably never will, so the desire and challenge still exists.

    Many top players leave for a myriad of reasons and yes it is sad to see them go, but for everyone that leaves 10 newbies come through the door  - and if only a couple stay on, then WGT probably do better than the one top player who has long gone buying credits.


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Jul 17 2013 12:01 AM

    But as JS says, new equipment is primarily aimed at newer players - these are the players actually spending.

    Not wrong ^^, but got me thinking how much does an average L95'er spend (ie--ME) :-)

    So checked account and $50, $50. $10, $50, $30, $50 since 25th May (7 weeks, playing sporadically)...only bought the L95 3w in that time so the rest is just on balls and a few gifts...

    OK, not a lot of money but multiplied by ?

    Surely if other L90+ ers are spending likewise then we should be 'looked after' / catered to a bit more than it seems we are..

    The L93 driver was a step in the right direction but (to use my own example), I posted an idea in the 'proposal' thread where Icon said he'd respond if he could...What was the reply ? Nothing...

    So after spending that money ON balls it seemed to me that I didn't warrant a response to a question ABOUT balls..The bugbear of many players...WGT's lack of communication !

    Yet he made a posts during that time in 'introductions' to newbies who haven't and who may never spend a dime....It's little things like that that has LOYAL players wondering where WGTs loyalties lie.


    (not getting on your back Icon, just the first example that sprang to mind, there are many others (sadly) of WGTs seemingly lax attitude to higher leveled players)