alanti:But as JS says, new equipment is primarily aimed at newer players - these are the players actually spending.
Not wrong ^^, but got me thinking how much does an average L95'er spend (ie--ME) :-)
So checked account and $50, $50. $10, $50, $30, $50 since 25th May (7 weeks, playing sporadically)...only bought the L95 3w in that time so the rest is just on balls and a few gifts...
OK, not a lot of money but multiplied by ?
Surely if other L90+ ers are spending likewise then we should be 'looked after' / catered to a bit more than it seems we are..
The L93 driver was a step in the right direction but (to use my own example), I posted an idea in the 'proposal' thread where Icon said he'd respond if he could...What was the reply ? Nothing...
So after spending that money ON balls it seemed to me that I didn't warrant a response to a question ABOUT balls..The bugbear of many players...WGT's lack of communication !
Yet he made a posts during that time in 'introductions' to newbies who haven't and who may never spend a dime....It's little things like that that has LOYAL players wondering where WGTs loyalties lie.
(not getting on your back Icon, just the first example that sprang to mind, there are many others (sadly) of WGTs seemingly lax attitude to higher leveled players)