Indeed, WGT seems to be in a difficult situation right now. In my opinion, these are the most important things to work on in near future:
1) Work on a solid (!!) anti-cheating surrounding for this game. If that means you got to change the game play from flash to something else and you need one year for it, better start now than later. There has to be a good way to at least stop meter speed and mouseclick cheats and as far as I see from watching the daily threads regarding this topic, that is not the case. Some players start to get to 95% GIR and 51-53 real average which very much tells everything you need to know about the current situation.
2) Solve the "too-good equipment" issue. Note: This can't be solved by even better equipment.....In my opinion, equipment should be used like balls, maybe even with slowly decreasing ability/length/precision. You could lower the initial costs for balls/equipment a bit but ensure that players can't do the buy once - hit over 300 yds forever method that is the case right now. Maybe even get a green speed above champ greens, or make a less static wind with changing power whilst playing one hole. Difficulty has to be increased to make it interesting again, uneven lies are a great step for that. They should be used for the majority of future tournaments. Which leads to the next point.
3) Give more incentives to players to become good in this game. More than one major per year (even if that means using older courses again), ideally create some sort of a TOUR including many tournaments with the top 100 at the end of the year winning real prizes.This would be a great thing to get players to play more regularly. The prizes don't even have to be extremely high, all that matters is that they are real and no credits that can't be sold for gift cards anymore. We already had the first cases of players selling credits in this community and if that spreads, WGT's income will decrease drastically. You kill your own earnings by reducing the incentives WGT!
4) Finally get a community lobby..... I know there are pages like WGTLS who do just that, but it is still a different page. It should be a game lobby --> create/join games or game lobby --> chat room choice. Finding playing partners and communicating would increase by miles by just introducing such a pre game chat area....
These are my thoughts, I really hope WGT tries to work on those ideas. I will be gone for summer break and check back about twice a month I guess or maybe play some few community organized tournaments. Have a good time everyone.
Cheers, Hans