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legend killer

Thu, Jul 25 2013 6:24 PM (17 replies)
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  • kuzler
    34 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 7:16 PM

    I was playing a legend in a matchplay and the wind was strong, he was saying that he doesn't care to play in strong wind ,i just kind of brushed it off, well were at the 7th hole and i'll be damned if the guy just quits right in the middle of the game, wtf, thats a first for me. man! i just don't understand, do the legends only play in perfect conditions,anyways just had to vent!

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 7:30 PM

    yea that's exactly what we do.  That's the only rational explanation as to why anyone could be a legend. We just go around playing matches and tourneys that have the absolute perfect conditions, whatever the eff that is.Unless you know how to turn wind and slope and break and rough and all that good stuff off I am not sure what perfect conditions are.

    Oh and of course because one legend does i it must mean all legends feel the same way we all must be deathly afraid of wind and have no clue what to do with it

    This coming form a level 84 master who still doesn't know that the starter wedges are about the worst clubs in the bunch and still carries a hybrid instead of a third wedge.

    Just like you had to vent so did I, go ahead and turn up the high wind on Andies or RSG and I will gladly play and could care less if you win or i do but don't go lumping all legends together cuz yopu found one who happened to not know how to play wind

    Because of this lame post you made can I go around saying all Masters are narrow minded a holes

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 7:32 PM

    do the legends only play in perfect conditions,

    If he was a Legend then the conditions shouldn't matter !

    After all it was the same for you both.

    anyways just had to vent!

    You've come to the right place......:-)

    Fools come in all shapes and sizes, irrespective of tier.

    However, tarring all with the same brush is short sighted at best.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 8:00 PM

    well were at the 7th hole and i'll be damned if the guy just quits right in the middle of the game, wtf, thats a first for me. man!

    Wow you have made it to level 84 without meeting a quitter - I am impressed.

    do the legends only play in perfect conditions,anyways

    Personally yes, I won't play when it rains, or the wind blows harder than 3mph as my hair might get ruffled.

    And if I find my ball in a divot on the fairway, I will storm off. And do not start me on pitch marks that have not been repaired.

    Worst of all if I miss a putt because the greenkeeper missed a blade of grass I go to the committee to get him sacked.

    Yes all of us legends are prima donnas but a word of advice - do not under any circumstances play a tour legend, they are twice as bad!

    What a stereotypical idiot!

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 8:04 PM

    both Andy's and Alan's posts were far more eloquent than mine, I just wanted to bash him over the head with my new R11 8i, since it doesn't seem to work property anyhow. Figure i can use the punch or topspin to fill in the gaps between the 9i and 7i

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 8:28 PM

    LMAO JS, you made the point just as well! Agreed the 8I is a dodgy beast, full power is OK most of the time, but reduce power at all and anything can and does happen. Perhaps thats what made the Legend walk off - his dodgy R11 8I and had nothing to do with his toupe blowing off.

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 9:36 PM

    How high has the wind gotten up to at one point?. Ive seen 34 if Im not mistaken.

  • kuzler
    34 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 10:21 PM

    go easy folks! damn ! i knew when i posted this i would ruffle some feathers. im just getting a laugh. I to will become a legend

  • kuzler
    34 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 10:26 PM

    lmao, J you really told me! chill dude!

  • kuzler
    34 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 10:49 PM

    it was over 30mph

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