Hello, World.
Can I just say it's not fair to group everybody together. If you had a bad experience with a player, don't think all players from that country have the same opinion. If somebody is rude to me and they are from a certain country, I don't assume all people from there are rude.
I like WGT because I get to play against all nationalities. Sometimes they tell me about what's going on where they live.
We all have one thing in common, we love golf. The internet allows us to play against people on the other side of the world. We should be celebrating that.
A lot of my friends on here are American and I really like to play golf with them. Our two countries are suppose to have a special relationship.
In my opinion, I don't think you should have spent the time to write a post that will only antagonise American players. You've obviously had a bad experience with somebody, but they could have been from any country. Forget about that person and move on.