Most of the old school Legends made it the hard way, playing ranked rounds. Now I see Bubblegum legends and they do not deserve the capital L, who have achieved legend in less than 100 ranked rounds!
They achieved this by their higher tiered friends laying down for them in match play, what a shame and insult to the true Legends, should not be allowed
This is one rule that Wgt set to try and stop the cheats from cleaning up in all forms of the game (win in M/p against a higher Tier player and Ave Drops), but is also a big headache for the honest people who play this game too, which is sad.
For me I was one of those old school people who got promoted the hard way (as the violins come but it was great... each level I made I was ready for it.
Now you can get promoted in just a handful of games...when you get to the top Tiers... you get frustrated and just start a new account and start again... for some.
With the Introduction of all the new clubs and balls we have to use... the game is getting easier to play.
With the new Xp bonus drinks and level-ups, it's easier for people to move through the levels to get the top shelf clubs and golf balls.
Cheats are out there.... If you use em, then your the..... I better stop
I would like Wgt to stop .... Players having their average drop if they beat a higher Tier Player. In friendly games... I feel sorry for the my opponent beating me, when their ave is dropping( I hate losing
I luv my friends beating me in a friendly game... it's just great( it's great for them, not
I have the thinking, the only way to get better at the game(without cheating) is to beat somebody that is better than you (I'm not that good...anybody can beat
Unless credits is involved, that's another story.... the Wgt rule for Ave drops should only be applied for Challenge matches and winning Wgt Comps.
We can't beat the cheats.... and because this is also a credit based game...people will always try to beat the system...bring back the old times I say, when everybody was