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Free Lesson Weekly: Help With Your Putting

Sat, Feb 28 2015 12:11 PM (37 replies)
  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Mon, Aug 26 2013 5:27 PM


    I'm posting this thread to hopefully start a series of golf lessons from those that want to share their knowledge of the game. And to rekindle the interest in helping fellow players out in this vast community we call WGT. 

    Please try to keep this thread active in the coming weeks & try to refrain from changing the subject title ( Free Lesson Weekly: )when re-posting, so as to make it easier to find in the search field.

    I will start off with my first question to get the ball rolling.

    If you continue to make putts slightly over the putting distance by a few inches but still make it in the hole; does it go against your Putting Stats average over time?

    I am a miss the ding type putter to compensate for the break. And noticed that even on good rounds my putting average does not drop. And was wondering if this is the reason for it. 

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Mon, Aug 26 2013 5:52 PM

    If I understand the question, yes, your putting average will change over time. It may be a long time before you see any change, though, because you are averaging each putt with the 37,600+ putts you've already recorded.

  • juggss6
    121 Posts
    Mon, Aug 26 2013 5:56 PM


    If you continue to make putts slightly over the putting distance by a few inches but still make it in the hole; does it go against your Putting Stats average over time?

    I am a miss the ding type putter to compensate for the break. And noticed that even on good rounds my putting average does not drop. And was wondering if this is the reason for it. 

    I don't see why that would negatively affect your stats. A holed 26ft putt is a holed 26ft putt, regardless of what you did to put it there.

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Mon, Aug 26 2013 6:01 PM

    But over time and 37,600+ putts you've already recorded, yes it will drop , but the change in avg is probably 0.000000000000000001 , and since the avg here is recorded in figures only to 2 decimal places , will take a  hell of a lot of those putts to even show in your averages.

  • Cheryl294
    69 Posts
    Mon, Aug 26 2013 7:42 PM

    Boy do I need help putting  I just finished 18 at St Andy's where I had 10 putts for birdies and 2 for eagle though the eagle putts where 15+ ft  and made only  3 birdies. what is really annoying is I miss the ding by the slightest of margins and that's the same amount I miss the putt. Yes I do misread some of the breaks I accept that is a miss but putts that would go in if I hit the ding and just roll by or lip out are really REALLY frustrating and ruining my enjoyment of this game .Any suggestions would be fully explored cause I could lower my average if I could JUST PUTT

  • DRogers5864
    368 Posts
    Mon, Aug 26 2013 8:44 PM

    For Mushy...

    on my putting avg per hole of 1.96 and my 1 putt @23.37, is it safe to say around 1 putt% @ 50 that the avg per hole will be at 1.25 or so??? 

  • Kelsey12
    2,114 Posts
    Tue, Aug 27 2013 9:20 AM

    Cheryl, if you have problems hitting the ding, perhaps you should try switching your putting technique to the miss style - miss the ding on purpose left or right to compensate for breaks instead of aiming and trying to hit the ding. It takes a little getting used to, and you won't be able to use it on every putt (severe breaks, for instance), but it's worth a try.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Aug 27 2013 10:15 AM

    and you won't be able to use it on every putt (severe breaks, for instance),

    Aim the arrow and miss ding for those.

  • Fekdrink
    138 Posts
    Tue, Aug 27 2013 10:45 AM

    Hi josephk2317. Nice thread and really helpful idea. You are to be commended sir.

    Re the putting average dropping, I'm not sure this adds to the discussion but some may find it interesting. I'm an average (some would say poor) putter but have kept a record month on month of my putting average which is a follows.

    End month two:- 1.91

    End month three:- 1.89

    End month four:- 1.87

    End month five:- 1.83

    In other words a 0.08 drop over roughly ninety days. I shoot on average about sixty holes a day. At the end of the second month I was at theTour Pro Tier with an average of 69.6. I'm now at Tour Master with an average of 66.

    I hope this helps explain why a single good round appears to make no difference to your putting average. Though a half decent putter will drop quicker than I have!

    Take care, Fekdrink.

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Tue, Aug 27 2013 11:16 AM


    For Mushy...

    on my putting avg per hole of 1.96 and my 1 putt @23.37, is it safe to say around 1 putt% @ 50 that the avg per hole will be at 1.25 or so??? 

    I'm not quite sure how the actual stats are recorded DR .


    I don't think you can just work out your % from your 1 putt stats, as it would still depend on the 2 & 3 putt stats, and the % of all 3 averaged as a whole.

    I just looked at mine,

    25,681 putts

    Putting Avg. Per Hole 1.72 which over 18 holes equates to an average of 31.96 putts yet my  Putting Avg. Per Round  is only 16.64, why is it not just below 1.0 ???????



    So sorry, no definite answer and I'm now flummoxed