AceHoler26:what is the problem you have with giving more information to the players ?
Where did I say that?? EDIT - context please!
AceHoler26:That would not affect the way people make it to TL in the least.
AceHoler26:Any information used for display does not have to be used in the "tier" calculation. Which part of that do you not understand ?
I said that was separate and an even if...EDIT : You miss the point....
AceHoler26:It only would make it harder to sandbag and would be easy to program.
For the reasons I went on to say Sandy would be able to manipulate that information rendering it useless is what I said. I am against sanbagging crap as much as anyone I just don't see this one working!
EDIT: As stated above and mine you can check out score history which should obvioulsy include earnings.
IF it's not suitably crap or HUGE money just run? I must admit when you said many look to play MPC I assumed you were an ardent fan user. I said I never thought many looked to do it these days and was assuming some although many in here have said that.
With career earnings of $8.25 you are either thinking of starting it, just started and got burnt alive or have just had an awful run since dot. A true playing average of 71 is extreme, no disrespect, and MPC will be hard in Legend tier.
Your current Legend record of 37 - 56 against is more in line with your 71 average anyway. In fact you are doing remarkably well in Legend tier with your stroke average, no overt signs of meeting sandbaggers at all. Most are just better than you in Legend tier. Easy prey in Legend tier is thankfully not bountiful.
Respectfully and only as it is, your play is poor for Legend tier. In your case I would avoid any one with a half good average, any kind of earnings or any record of winning regardless of anything else, and work on my game. Moreover, your proposed system would be as open to manipulation as the current one for any one else to.