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WGT's new method of determinng scoring avg...

Sun, Nov 15 2015 9:35 AM (56 replies)
  • thetazz101
    101 Posts
    Fri, Nov 13 2015 7:24 AM

    what is happening to the avgs?   shoot a -6 and it goes down .01 shoot a -3 and doesn't move.   yes i am playing ranked rounds, and yes i have saturated my rounds.

    did wgt screw with the avgs?   and want to stop players to move up?

  • hakman123
    2,119 Posts
    Fri, Nov 13 2015 7:42 AM

    Those numbers sound about right.

    500 Ranked Rounds for Legend Saturation.

    You shot -6 on Bethpage B9  which is a 29.    The strokes is the important score, not the -6.

    29 counts as a 58 towards your average.

    If the highest score currently in your "Best 500 scores" was a 64 -- then the 64 is replaced by the 58.

    This means the total of your Best 500 went down by 6 strokes, and therefore your average over 500 rounds went down by 6/500 = 0.012

    WGT only show 2 decimal places --- and you see a 0.01 drop

    When you shot -3 or 32, it counts as a 64.  Assuming your highest counting score is still 64, there is no change.

    You have to watch carefully to see how the rounding up/down is going to know exactly what your current worst score actually is. It could maybe be 65 or even 66 and you were unlucky on the rounding.

  • MTBR
    182 Posts
    Fri, Nov 13 2015 7:59 AM


    .    The strokes is the important score, not the -6.

    What?  ......I'll take a -6 any day on any course .....on a par35 or 34 it even gives you 1-2 strokes on your average.   if you shot a -4 on a par 34, it would count as a -6 on your average....example: Bethpage par 35......-5 at BP is just like a -6 on a par36 course...a -6 will continuously move your score average down to a 60 at least, closer you get to 60 (-12 on a par 72) the more it will slow down to .01  per round....after saturation of course. Simple math don't make it too complicated. A 60 on a continuous basis is good enough to be a TL any day and a -6 will get you there,,,maybe just a few -7's or better to finalize it.

    at 63 a -6 should have moved more....I'm thinking they did same thing to me tho .....that is bogus on WGT's part. It's their way of getting you to play more rounds and use more balls to get to TL...good luck!

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Nov 13 2015 9:32 AM

    .    The strokes is the important score, not the -6.

    What?  ......I'll take a -6 any day on any course

    Of course, but it don't mean a thing concerning the average because it's ambiguous.

    -6 may be 66 on STA 18 holes, or 56 = 2x28 on the front (?) 9 holes of OLY with a Par of 34.

    Saturn would fit in that space, wouldn't it?

  • MTBR
    182 Posts
    Fri, Nov 13 2015 7:50 PM


    Of course, but it don't mean a thing concerning the average because it's ambiguous.

    -6 may be 66 on STA 18 holes, or 56 = 2x28 on the front (?) 9 holes of OLY with a Par of 34.

    Saturn would fit in that space, wouldn't it?

    Concerning the original post by TAZZ. I did check his score history and he very seldom plays 18 holes. Think he wanted to know about -6 on 9. Yep Pretty sure.  Wasn't ambiguous after all. Try fitting Uranus in that space instead.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Nov 13 2015 8:08 PM

    Wasn't ambiguous after all.

    Only if four shots difference don't make up ambiguity for you. I beg to differ! To me, it's not worth the hussle to think about consequences towards a given average. He has to get his facts straight before!

  • hakman123
    2,119 Posts
    Fri, Nov 13 2015 9:02 PM



    .    The strokes is the important score, not the -6.

    What?  ......I'll take a -6 any day on any course .....on a par35 or 34 it even gives you 1-2 strokes on your average.   if you shot a -4 on a par 34, it would count as a -6 on your average....example: Bethpage par 35......-5 at BP is just like a -6 on a par36 course...a -6 will continuously move your score average down to a 60 at least, closer you get to 60 (-12 on a par 72) the more it will slow down to .01  per round....after saturation of course. Simple math don't make it too complicated. A 60 on a continuous basis is good enough to be a TL any day and a -6 will get you there,,,maybe just a few -7's or better to finalize it.

    at 63 a -6 should have moved more....I'm thinking they did same thing to me tho .....that is bogus on WGT's part. It's their way of getting you to play more rounds and use more balls to get to TL...good luck!


    The calculation is a simple average --- you take the STROKE SCORE on your best 500 Ranked Rounds (with the normal exclusions)  as a legend (doubling any 9 hole scores).

    If you have for example 31,502 strokes for your 500 RRs     then 31,500 / 500 = 63.004

    As WGT only show 2 digits --- that rounds to 63.00

    While it is GOOD to score -6,   that is not what the calculation is based on.  The calculation is based on the strokes played.   That is what I mean when I say it is the strokes that are important - not the score relative to par.

    You cannot possibly say   " at 63   -6 should have moved more"     it all depends on the worst score in those 500 RRs that is going to be replaced by the 58 scored at BPB.

    thetazz101 says the average IS saturated -- so we will assumed he has already replaced the odd blow-out score.

    So let's say the worst score is now 67    Then 58 replacing 67 reduces the 31,502 strokes by just 9 strokes.   The total is now 31,493    the new average will be 62.986

    Again -- due to rounding this is shown by WGT as 62.99

    The average has therefore moved only 0.01 on your screen -- even though by calculation is has moved 0.018

    It is also possible to have just 1 stroke difference cause your average to move 0.01

    if for example your initial score total was 31,498  (Ave = 62.996 == 63.00 rounded) and changed to 31,497 (Ave = 62.994 == 62.99 rounded)


    The bottom line is that your average does not move very much as a saturated legend, once all your rubbish scores have been replaced, because the average is taken over 500 scores. Your worst score becomes quite close to your average, and even a super low score will only move your average by about 0.02 overall

    There is no conspiracy here. Welcome to the long haul towards TL.

    The Hakman

  • MTBR
    182 Posts
    Fri, Nov 13 2015 9:46 PM

    "The Bottom Line" is WGT should reward any player that shoots a -6 on 9 holes with more than a .01 at a 63 average score. All that math is valuable only to someone that can comprehend it. Try Layman's terms next time. WGT is notorious for not rewarding good scores and gives you basically a half sleeve of balls for making TL. Fine reward indeed!

  • MTBR
    182 Posts
    Fri, Nov 13 2015 10:11 PM

    Just for kicks and giggles, How would one go about finding how many Ranked Rounds at a particular tier they have?... OK my score doesn't move backwards anymore so I'm saturated. You said oh it's a simple calculation. Who the hell keeps count of all that ,besides WGT, to do all that math? I would guess YOU for some reason. Gotta love a Logistics expert coming in here with all that calculating and expecting anyone to get any valuable information that they could actually use. 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Nov 13 2015 10:43 PM

    If you have for example 31,502 strokes for your 500 RRs     then 31,500 / 500 = 63.004

    +1 - rest snipped in consent.

    Those who don't bother to understand the calculation may be better off with this thought:

    TLs have to collect 30,000 strokes in 500 games to qualify for C - if they have more, like the 31,502 above, they have to add better scores.

    It's of no relevance which interim average a player has. Wait, it is, only for bragging rights.