Shakyjon agrees.... the Ladders are found at Both links take you there.
LOL @ ladders. Not picking at you at all Snaike just sharing my experiences. I know many like it but have met just as many that didn't. I played on it for a while and the quitter situation was barely better than here. Had to report several people who quit after being down 2 or 3 through 5 holes and wouldn't acknowledge the loss. Then they would post nasty stuff on my wall about reporting them. Then folks at top of ladders wouldn't accept game invitations from me because they wanted to protect their position. All in all I had a terrible experience on the site and won't be likely to return.
Side note, I had a good friend (and super nice guy) play on the ladders last week. Foursome and by the 6th hole the other 3 had quit. We had a good chuckle about that. Quitters will quit wherever they are and we might as well accept that.
If you haven't played on it though, test it out. It may be for you but I'll stick with my friends and Ready Gos (which I quit on a regular basis when meter freaks out). I don't feel a bit bad about quitting on myself, I just don't do it to others. :)