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Thu, Aug 19 2010 11:00 AM (26 replies)
  • donkey00000
    55 Posts
    Wed, Aug 18 2010 6:52 AM

    freezing up is wgt problem /since last maintance update i have and many other players have had freezing up when playing

  • Babaloo1
    36 Posts
    Wed, Aug 18 2010 11:24 AM

    Freezing up has gotten considerably worse recently. My player swings like Charles Barkley!

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Wed, Aug 18 2010 5:33 PM

    Freezing up has gotten considerably worse recently. My player swings like Charles Barkley!

    send your computer to florida, or I hear global warming is bad in Alaska

  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Wed, Aug 18 2010 8:31 PM


    Shakyjon agrees.... the Ladders are found at  Both links take you there.


    LOL @ ladders.  Not picking at you at all Snaike just sharing my experiences.  I know many like it but have met just as many that didn't.  I played on it for a while and the quitter situation was barely better than here.  Had to report several people who quit after being down 2 or 3 through 5 holes and wouldn't acknowledge the loss.  Then they would post nasty stuff on my wall about reporting them.  Then folks at top of ladders wouldn't accept game invitations from me because they wanted to protect their position.  All in all I had a terrible experience on the site and won't be likely to return.

    Side note, I had a good friend (and super nice guy) play on the ladders last week.  Foursome and by the 6th hole the other 3 had quit.  We had a good chuckle about that.  Quitters will quit wherever they are and we might as well accept that.

    If you haven't played on it though, test it out.  It may be for you but I'll stick with my friends and Ready Gos (which I quit on a regular basis when meter freaks out).  I don't feel a bit bad about quitting on myself, I just don't do it to others.  :)


  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Thu, Aug 19 2010 5:52 AM

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Last time I'll ever chime in on this oh so tiresome topic. If you join or create a multi player game with total strangers with nothing on the line, 90% of the time some or all WILL quit. Play mpc that way if someone quits at least you get their credits. JB

  • kelrob
    92 Posts
    Thu, Aug 19 2010 6:37 AM

    What's getting me about everyone quitting is masters are doing all over the place also. What the hell folks,,your a master,,can't get any better than that right now. Screw your avg and play.

  • jebre68
    1 Posts
    Thu, Aug 19 2010 7:02 AM

    outright quitting is the problem

  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Thu, Aug 19 2010 7:03 AM

    What's getting me about everyone quitting is masters are doing all over the place also. What the hell folks,,your a master,,can't get any better than that right now. Screw your avg and play.

    I've seen just the opposite.  I've had more Pros quit a multi player round than masters if I can even get a game with them.  I'd say over 90% of the time I try to join a multi player game with Pros they kick me out before we even tee off.  I don't mind playing with any tier player and love to help people out, but seldom get the chance because they see a very low average and boot me.  Quitting doesn't bother me that much but not even giving me a chance to play a "fun" round is kind of tiresome.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Aug 19 2010 7:17 AM

    Sometimes it happens because of the green speed, jake. I warn pros about the default speed going to the higher rank before we start and understand if they don't want to putt on that speed.

    BTW, not to derail the topic but I'm sure you saw Yancy's laugh riot in the other thread. My first thought was about what you plan to do one of these days-the filming thing and the meter.   ;-)

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Thu, Aug 19 2010 9:27 AM


    LOL @ ladders.  Not picking at you at all Snaike just sharing my experiences.  I know many like it but have met just as many that didn't.  I played on it for a while and the quitter situation was barely better than here.  Had to report several people who quit after being down 2 or 3 through 5 holes and wouldn't acknowledge the loss.  Then they would post nasty stuff on my wall about reporting them.  Then folks at top of ladders wouldn't accept game invitations from me because they wanted to protect their position.  All in all I had a terrible experience on the site and won't be likely to return.

    Side note, I had a good friend (and super nice guy) play on the ladders last week.  Foursome and by the 6th hole the other 3 had quit.  We had a good chuckle about that.  Quitters will quit wherever they are and we might as well accept that.

    If you haven't played on it though, test it out.  It may be for you but I'll stick with my friends and Ready Gos (which I quit on a regular basis when meter freaks out).  I don't feel a bit bad about quitting on myself, I just don't do it to others.  :)

    TBH, Jake, I don't play the ladders anymore either...  From what I remember rank squatters were one of the biggest problems.  I can also see why folks wouldn't want to play with you when they know they're going to lose.  =)

    The reason I offer these suggestions to the newer folks is to get them to make friends and play from the bottom of the lists...  by the time they get disillusioned their friends list will be full.
