perhaps the guy who responded to you was the player who hit the shot into the fescue and he thought you were wisecracking?...Are you sure it wasn't him who was responding to you?
Timing is everything, but clarity avoids misunderstanding, and over-reaction by sensitive types. I can see your scenario happening, Duc.
BedrockAce: {snip} I complemented a player for getting out of fescue and hitting the flagstick. My comment was AB FAB!! He did not respond with typical "ty". So after several more shots, I said (absolutely fabulous shot back there).
He replied "METER WISE ASS" After a couple attempts to get an explanation of what he as accusing me of, with more criptic replies like "your ball isn't round on sundays", I gave up and ... {snip}
OP's opponent took it as continued trash-talking from OP regarding the initial shot into the fescrew. In first response of 'METER WISE ASS' opponent is saying bad meter got him there - sadly he casts in the 'wise ass' bit, and the road rage is on.
I typically add something to clarify - particularly in 3-somes and 4-somes - what i'm referring to. In this case, OP might have chatted 'AB FAB from junk!'
If the road rage continues, turn chat off as illustrated above, and ignore the orange button color signifying new chat entries.