MainzMan wrote the following post at 11-01-2013 11:22 AM:
You listed which tiers you will play. Only these tiers. Mike then asked why Tour Legend isn't on it.
I mainly play Legends, cause its my own tier.
Sometimes, i play Masters or TM. To tell the truth, i am not glad to face them, cause these low tiers struggle to birdie. Lol.
Thats why i often choose my tier.
With TL, i am not in "comfort zone" like when i play on tournament green.
I am used to play this green; i think i am a pretty good putter on it. Thats not the case with champ green. Like it or not, i stopped playing TL for that only reason.
I know that pro, masters and TM struggle too when they play legends or TL probably for the same reason.
I never force someone to face me; so nobody can force me to play him.
Things would be more fair if a low tier player should play on his usual green regardless of his opponents.