boressie:I only play Masters, TM and LEGENDS regardless of their stats.
O really??
How many times have i landed on your match or you've landed on mine???
How many times have you REFUSED TO PLAY ME???
You're going on about stats lying and distorting the game, but you were refusing to play me with my stats countless of times
boressie:The reason is simple: nobody wants to deal with a player who has an good average (75% or more for instance).
Yes true, you did it yourself
boressie:If you have confidence in your game , u would not be afraid to play anyone.
So why refuse to play me loads & loads of times??
You use the GREENS as an excuse, how will you ever learn to play them If you dont make the effort. What will you do when you reach tour legend and HAVE to play them, will you just start over???
Wait until you get to tour legend or have starts like me, it will take you ALL DAY to find a game, you will even get legends with below 60 averages kicking you off games. Its meant to be MATCH PLAY CHALLENGE But every one seems to want EASY matches just to win credits and not have a proper golfing challenge. When i was less skillfull I would be HONORED that better players would play me and It was a chance for me to see how good they were and how they played different holes and i got to see how i compared.