mantis0014:How hard would you hit it?
Dear Roger,
As a damned fine TL, I am sure you have forgotten this game actually has 60-70% rough :)
Mark my words, as a hack-legend I can confirm this rough does exist, contrary to many TL's beliefs!
For me the most effective way out is a punch, full topspin and usually using a wedge and only having the goal to get back on the fairway, so even can mean aiming backwards or sideways to find the closest bit of fairway. Usually this means hitting full power and if you need to choke down on the power, the chances are the ball will not go far. Also this is if you have decent wedges - starters clubs and I would do exactly the same and hope like hell the ball gets out.
Oh and make sure you hit the ding!
Get back on the fw and you still have a chance of making par - play percentages.