Play "practice" rounds (use MULLIGANS) and closest to the hole games for a while (Cabo seems to be the easiest, at least it is for me). Use the 3 WGT balls you have (save the Callaways). Watch videos, also...sometimes you will get lucky and get a repeat offender that will boost your credit count up pretty good. When you get to level 18, grab a couple of ping wedges ($1.10 ea). Next purchase should be a putter (IMO), the irons, then driver, 3wood. The Srixion (?) balls ($1.80) are probable the best value for you, if you buy any balls. Everyone has different opinions, though. Once you play "ranked rounds", you'll start moving UP in tiers and BACK on the tees, so get the hang of the game first. I didn't. I blasted my way through every tourney, every week, playing over and over (stats, embarrassingly prove this), and in hindsight, it was the wrong way to "learn" the game (which btw, I sometimes feel as though I have NO CLUE how to play, still). I joined in May, but played TW until it shut down in July. Started playing this game on a daily basis in mid-July. After 88 days, and only at level 70 I got 'demoted" to Legend (which, at first was not fun at all, but now is akin to starting over and I'm loving the game more. Most importantly, have fun playing. This is the MOST discouraging "virtual game" I've ever played, but also the MOST rewarding and fun game I've ever played. Play/practice everyday (you get XP points that build as your consecutive days build, which will "unlock" the equipment needed when the time comes.
There are a lot of really good players on here and they share some valuable tips in these forums. they have posted everything from sand and wind formulas to putting tips that I have used. I've seen improvements, but still have a LONG way to go.
And, last but not least, be very nice to VEM, or VEM won't like you, and you will know it. Hope you have a long, happy career in WGT land. Jay