Expose myself to what? Getting booted off a virtual game?...
I couldn't help commenting that is true; but only because people in this group and others get riled up continually over players you believe to be cheaters/ multi-accounters and sandbaggers; often wrongfully.
It's quite simple, baggers who have the same IP address should and will be removed. Otherwise there is no conclusive evidence to do so. WGT's assumption is that they may be well skilled or had practiced on, for example, somebody else's account.
As for score and general profile history, my understanding is that baggers manipulate not only averages but MP history also; amongst other things. But people keep playing them so they don't need to bother too much changing things. If a player is so worried about a bagger, they could easily check the account, even a highly manipulated account, and see a bagger in a short amount of time.
And as for 'daddy is watching'; how many people do you think they actually get rid of? And if they do make an example of one of these people that hasn't multiple IP addresses, don't you think they'll just go back and start again anyway on a new or old one?
You think that low-scoring posters and apparent cheats are all idiotic, but that can only be true if they were concerned about getting booted. Also, my understanding is that baggers enjoy playing other baggers because they don't have to put up with idiots, possibly like those that make comments similar to those in this group, angry at them despite them having plenty of time to get a run-down of that players previous performance and equipment; there is limited disguising in profiles.
I also believe that there are so many multiple accounts out there that belong not necessarily to 'cheats; as such, but to those people that despite reading the rules of having one account, don't realise what they'e doing. And what about those people that have played many rounds on an account they haven't created? This may not be strictly allowed, but how many people are bothered? How could combating this be enforced anyway?
So you're welcome to call people dumb arses all you like, but the fact that you can't see past apparent 'cheats', without feeling angry, aggressive, irritated or happy at the opportunity to get on a misguided troll fest, actually points towards flaws in your own intelligence.
Lastly, and personally, if WGT for some unknown or wrongful reason were to remove me. How bothered do you think I'd be? A little bit maybe as it is a good game?....but not really. Even, hypothetically, if they had a legal basis to ask back for all of the credits $$$ I had ever won;...... still not bothered. These points I've made don't just come from those baggers that I'm happy to play against, they are easily acquired facts. Doesn't take much to come across them.