In response to your questions/comments Gerald:
-No, i commented on flaws in your intelligence because cheats are easily avoided and your posts suggest that you don't avoid them.
-Two obvious reasons multi's doctor stats from the get go; 1) limited access to multiple IP addresses, 2) the need to keep a single account as to gain the benefits of getting higher levels - i'm sure there're many more
-I don't think stealing from lower tiers is a good thing; it discourages them. However, I can't imagine that many new players would actually play for decent amounts of credits anyway, if they do even play for credits at all.
-It is well known that an idiot, or a briefly foolish person, that plays a bagger for credits, will often get angry when they're losing. It is this anger, in any type of WGT game, that detracts from the level of enjoyment and for that reason, I've noted that baggers tend to say that they prefer playing other baggers.
I can't respond to you talking about being a 'real golfer' in regards to a virtual game; it seems ludicrous.
I can't respond to bans as this doesn't apply to me.
I will say that those that directing anger to apparent baggers are misguided. It is systemic failures with WGT that underpins these issues. You're going to see more and more baggers and cheats in general and I predict that the percentage of these players will be exponentially positive. This is however not at all a new thought; as most will know.
I had previously thought that people here had missed the point as to me posting on this thread. But I now think that the nature of this topic has meant that the more intelligent people have simply bypassed it. Nevertheless, comments regarding RG randomisation are valid, albeit a popular point made in other threads.