Look just talking irons places like back pin Merion B9 you gotta hit position A1 perfect to stop dead or close to and that's not happening too often. Couple of holes at Andys (particularly high winds up rear) got to have some luck if fire at the exact landing spot, but short of that those L97 Nikes around places like Beth, not 1 pin is an issue - not 1. R11s v close with L81 ball which I played with them. Even Andys #17 you can usually get close to even the rear pin 90% of the time - what I see.
Normal conditions, well below done v quick and without much thought to be honest. OK champ greens and slightly above but even that there is a not much break hard to miss one.
L97 4 iron and L90 Nike Beth #10:
Whilst on my channel also saw this one (may be of interest (L70 Versa; 85 Nikesl Cally 34). A still very efficient set up IMO:
R11s and L81 ball not far behind even the L97s. (I tend to use a different just as quick 3 second wind wind calc these days as well as much more reverse pitch view for putting / shallower meter scales although at Beth not hard anyway).
Last one here:)
RSG whilst at it, lol:
I don't usually post my vids here in the main forums as leave that for the top players , but shows enough for what we are talking about I think.
Those L97 Nikes with the L90 ball will stick pretty close just about everywhere. Yeah OK a very few holes, on harder courses, and especially in certain conditions still have to allow some good run, unless really go for gold sticking wise, but really though there is a huge difference to some other combos generally IMO. R11s not far behind the Nikes at all - v v close in fact (L81 ball in mind). BTW yes it is Bandicam that can make the meter that jumpy, not usually like that (some ask if new). That black slomo ball with the R11s I know some have used to great effect and with no spin. Whether that's worthwhile these days with the choices, no clue and leave that to others to decide. My grip and rip it quick play style getting close as possible with air travel never suited that (yes I play too quick for my own good sometimes).