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Nike Iron level 97 or TaylorMade R11?

Thu, Jan 8 2015 8:27 PM (38 replies)
  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Thu, Jan 1 2015 10:14 AM

    I plan to get the L97+ Nike irons for their better than the R11 long iron stopping ability and the slightly slower meter compared to the R11 irons.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Jan 1 2015 11:58 AM

    The main question I have is, Are they more precise? I've found from the few no wind tourneys that were here about a year ago that the R11s are precise to within 12 feet. Is the precision circle smaller for the Nikes?

    Derek, check out the precision tests on the L97 Nikes done by bhoese in this thread.

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Thu, Jan 1 2015 12:19 PM

    I have both...

    R11's are more consistent with distance due to higher spin of Nike irons...

    Both great irons, once you get used to the Nikes you will like them but it is big adjustment(at least it was for me)...I went with the lvl 61 Nike because it had the right spin rating for those irons...higher spin balls were always coming up off the mark on distance, usually short, lower spin balls were long...the Nike 61's seem just right.

    If the R11 meter was slower I would use them all the time to be more consistent, but with a meter that races on me I hit too many late shots with them...right now I only use them for a few rounds to make the Nike meter look even slower LOL

  • derekortt
    682 Posts
    Thu, Jan 1 2015 8:45 PM


    The main question I have is, Are they more precise? I've found from the few no wind tourneys that were here about a year ago that the R11s are precise to within 12 feet. Is the precision circle smaller for the Nikes?

    Derek, check out the precision tests on the L97 Nikes done by bhoese in this thread.

    Those results seem to indicate that the Nikes are a bit more accurate as they have a smaller dispersion pattern. Think I'll be giving them a try as soon as i get the final 19600 XPs (should only be 3 to 5 days as I have a bunch of RG XPs about to hit)

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Thu, Jan 1 2015 9:26 PM

    If you do get the Nikes, keep the R11's in the bag.

    It takes awhile to get the hang of using the Nikes as you will find you will be stopping short. The Nikes are a very good set of clubs.


  • derekortt
    682 Posts
    Thu, Jan 1 2015 10:00 PM

    was planning on keeping the R11s in the bag until I had the hang of the Nike's.


    I often vary my spin with the R11s. Does playing less than FBS reduce the effect of coming up short? I noticed that the R11s with FBS can be quite variable with FBS, which is why I don't like playing FBS unless I intend to take something off of a shot (FBS is my version of taking something off of a shot, while wanting a full swing)


    Another option I have sent through my head but will not do would be to get a hybrid and the max precision irons. That would allow one to drop a 54/56 degree wedge. I wonder if anyone has went that route

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jan 1 2015 10:01 PM

    But I really can't figure out what to play with,  The new Nike Iron or stick to my trusted and good feeling Taylormade R11 Iron.  

    A level 114 TL with over $37,000 in earnings and the Nikes already in the bag and you're wondering what to play? I'm missing something here.

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 10:14 AM

    I recently moved from R11s to top Forged and I love it.  As long as you remember to add about 4-7 yards on your approach (depending on which iron you use, the higher you go, the more you need), they're a great set.

    R11s are pretty close to given distances with backspin in mind.  You have to get used to the difference and you're good to go.

  • skccvb
    799 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 11:46 AM

    Yes, 97 Nike irons play shorter with full bs than R11's- with lvl 81 Nike balls:

    3 iron- 227 (230)- parens = R11

    4 iron- 205 (210)

    5 iron- 189/90 (190)

    6 iron -176 (180)

    7 iron- 157 (160)

    8 iron- 145/6/7/8- this 1 is tricky (150)

    9 iron- 130 (135)

    PW- 113 (115)

    Nike irons are more consistent, and much easier to ding/off ding at will- and they STOP! However, be advised in higher winds, you MUST off ding into wind more than R11's-and adjust distance accordingly.

  • SeabrookFlash
    463 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 11:54 AM

    I switched from the R-11's to the Nike (level 97 ) irons and I will never look back.  There was a learning curve to gauge the distances with the Nike irons, especially with full backspin, but a few practice rounds taking mulligan after mulligan, I was able to adjust.  These clubs have helped my game to the point that T/L is no longer a fantasy but a reachable target.  Good luck and I hope this is helpful.