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Wed, Jul 1 2020 4:32 AM (1,330 replies)
  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Fri, Apr 11 2014 6:38 AM


    Fowler did well today ... shot a 1 under.  My boy Harris didn't do so well with the later tee time.  I can now only hope Fowler does his usual choke ... I'd hate to think that I put the "Kat Hex" on Harris.

    Funny Fowler...the choke thing is in his blood much like Cink...they know it, we know it, and they know we know it. And for winning games...I'm a laugh. Whom ever I want won't. I think the Superbowl was my only evidence of the contrary with the Seahawks win.

    April 11

     146 - Septius Severus

    1370 - Frederic I, the Warlike of Saxony

    1492 - Marguerite of Navarre, wife of Henry II

    1837 - Elmer Ellsworth, Col Union Army...first death of the Civil War

    1862 - Charles Hughs, Chief Justice of Supreme Court

    1866 - Carla Ford, wife of Henry

    1869 - Kasturba Gandhi, wife of Mohandas

    1890 - Donna Rachele Mussolini, wife of Benito

    1893 - Dean Acheson, Secretary of State

    Well, day 2. Without Tiger, I feel very wanting...electricity is very dear indeed. But, it is friday and that means much to many. I hope yours is a dandy ~ bye


  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Fri, Apr 11 2014 8:25 AM

    After round 1, it looks to me like I should keep my mind on other things than The Masters ... All the golfers I thought would have a chance played terrible yesterday.

    11 April,

    Today's tribute:

    It finally happened ... not one real vocalist, musician I could honor ... so today, I chose to pay tribute to a BBC actor/journalist.  Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson is 54 today. 


    • Lights Bokan is 27
    • Joss Stone is 27
    • Ben Gibbard is 38
    • Cerys Matthews is 45
    • Lisa Stansfield is 48
    • Ednita Nazario is 59


    • Morgan Lily is 14
    • Joel Grey is 82
    • Jennifer Esposito is 41
    • Meshach Taylor is 67
    • Dakota Blue Richards is 20
    • Tricia Helfer is 40
    • Kelli Garner is 30
    • Zoe Lucker is 40
    • Louise Lasser is 75

    Today's Tribute:

    For all the "Top Gear" fans on this site ... Jeremy Clarkson isn't the most loved driver on the show, yet it simply wouldn't be the same without him.  After going through several clips, I decided on this one:

    I hope they didn't sell many of these.  Anyone out there drive one?

    Enjoy round 2 everyone!



  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Fri, Apr 11 2014 12:46 PM

     Anyone out there drive one?

    Kat, that is a beaut! Drive one? Oh darling! I wouldn't be seen or be caught living in one of those jalopys. Only useful for someone intent upon saying the "last goodbye". If I was "down" to wrap myself up, I would do it peacefully like that dude in NYC, Dustin Hoffman Seymour or whatever his name was. LOL ~ 

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Fri, Apr 11 2014 1:50 PM


     Anyone out there drive one?

    Kat, that is a beaut! Drive one? Oh darling! I wouldn't be seen or be caught living in one of those jalopys. Only useful for someone intent upon saying the "last goodbye". If I was "down" to wrap myself up, I would do it peacefully like that dude in NYC, Dustin Hoffman Seymour or whatever his name was. LOL ~ 

    Definitely a dangerous car ... and they said the Ford Pinto was the worst made car ever!

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Fri, Apr 11 2014 11:26 PM

    Oh my God that's the funnyest fk'n thing I ever seen since I tuned in to wgt .lmao wow


    I'm crying here@!#$ That car is so screwed up it's hilarious.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sat, Apr 12 2014 8:19 AM


    Oh my God that's the funnyest fk'n thing I ever seen since I tuned in to wgt .lmao wow


    I'm crying here@!#$ That car is so screwed up it's hilarious.

    That car makes the Yugo look intelligent


     599 BC - Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara of Jainism (HUH?)

     812 - Muhammad at-Taqi, Muslim Shia Imam (say what?)

    1484 - Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, Italian architect (a little better)

    1577 - Christian IV of Denmark (much better)

    !724 - Lyman Hall, US Physician and signer of the Declaration of Independence

    1777 - Henry Clay, the Great Compromiser...pretty good cigars too, on the golf course

    1791 - Francis Preston Blair, editor Washington Globe

    1792 - John George Lambton, London, 1st Earl of Durham ("Portrait of Master Lambton" by the great Thomas Lawrence is a wonderful painting of Lambton as a child)

    1793 - Ferdinand I, Emperor of Austria

    1869 - Henri Desire Landau, French sex murderer


    in 1606, England's King James I decreed the design of the original Union Flag, which combined the flags of England and Scotland

    Kat may be a busy one much to choose from...should be awesome. And for the Masters, who is trying to lose?

    ~au revoir ~



  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sat, Apr 12 2014 10:32 AM

    And for the Masters, who is trying to lose?

    I guess there were several well knowns that chose to take the weekend off ... Ernie Els, Phil Michelson and my boy Harris English ($20 before leaving work for the weekend ... got to remember ... from now on, bet on the player or team you want to lose!)

    As for the 3 wheeled car ... I sooooo want one!  Probably not street legal here in the states though!

    12 April ...

    Today's tribute ...

    "The Late Show" host David Letterman turns 67 today.  Since this will probably be his last year as host of "The Late Show", I'm paying tribute to him.  He's had over 5,000 shows with NBC and CBS and has given us many top 10's.  To celebrate this weekend's event at Augusta, here's

    "The top 10 reasons Golf is better than sex" ...

    #10… A below par performance is considered damn good.

    #09… You can stop in the middle and have a cheeseburger and a couple of beers.

    #08… It’s much easier to find the sweet spot.

    #07… Foursomes are encouraged.

    #06… You can still make money doing it as a senior.

    #05… Three times a day is possible.

    #04… Your partner doesn’t hire a lawyer if you play with someone else.

    #03… If you live in Florida, you can do it almost every day.

    #02… You don’t have to cuddle with your partner when you’re finished.

    And the NUMBER ONE reason why golf is better than sex… 

    #01… When your equipment gets old you can replace it!

    Author Tom Clancy (1947 - 2013)  His works include, "The Hunt for Red October", "Clear and Present Danger" and "The Sum of All Fears"
    • Jazz Pianist Herbie Hancock is 74
    • Country Singer Vince Gill is 57
    • Singer Tiny Tim (1932 - 1996)
    • Country Singer Jessie James is 26
    • Country Singer Easton Corbin is 32
    • Singer Brian Mcfadden is 34 (Ireland, Australia)
    • Singer Nick Hexum is 44
    • Singer Eyal Golan is 43

              Lead Vocalist for the band "Steppenwolf" ... John Kay is 70 today ... I don't really know that much about his works, but the song "Born to Be Wild" is still popular.  Anyone old enough to remember the band "Steppenwolf"?

    (edit ... oops forgot the Actors/Actresses ... lol!)

    • Cristina Moore is 41
    • Jennifer Morrison is 35
    • Shannen Doherty is 43
    • Claire Danes is 35
    • Andy Garcia is 58
    • David Cassidy is 64
    • Riley Smith is 36
    • Nicholas Brendon is 43
    • Ed O'Neill is 68
    • Ann Miller (1923 - 2004)
    • Marley Shelton is 40
    • Jane Withers is 88

    Today's tribute video ... on how the US President cheats at golf ... 

    As for the masters ... I'm now (secretly) hoping my uncle's other left-handed golfer finishes as well as he started!  I guess I should put money on Adam Scott!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!  Free rentals!

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sun, Apr 13 2014 9:43 AM

    April 13

                                                 1743 - Thomas Jefferson

    I was mentally counting books I have read about Mr. Jefferson. The number is 30+. Most twice, others thrice, some all the time. I am addicted to this great, interesting, most important man. What he thought, what he did, what he saw, how he lived. There is much to read about with amazement. On Royalty, he was much exposed to it, and right after his genuine retirement from the political stage he wrote in a letter to Govenor John Langdon his view of it (Royalty).

                                                                                             Monticello, March 5, 1810 

      For five and thirty years we have walked togrther through a land of tribulations. Yet these have passed away, and so, I trust, will those of the present day. The toryism with which we struggled in '77, differed but in name from the federalism of '99, with which we struggled also; and the Anglicism of 1808, against which we are now struggling, is but the same thing still in another form. It is longing for a King, and an English King rather than any other,,,,It may be asked, what, in the nature of her government, unfits England for the observation of moral duties? In the first place, her King is a cypher; his only function being to name the oligarchy which is to govern her. The parliament is, by corruption, the mere instrument of the will of the administration. The real power and property in the government is in the great aristocratical families of the nation. The nest of office being too small for all of them to cuddle into at once, the contest is eternal, which shall crowd the other out. For this purpose, they are divided into two parties, the Ins and the Outs, so equal in weight that a small matter turns the balance. To keep themselves in, when they are in, every stratagem must be practiced, every artifice used which may flatter the pride, the passions or power of the nation. Justice, honor, faith must yield to the necessity of keeping themselves in place. The question whether a measure is moral, is never asked; but whether it will nourish the avarice of their merchants, or the piratical spirit of their navy, or produce any other effect which may strengthen them in their places. As to engagements, however positive, entered into by the predecessors of the Ins, why, they were their enemies; they did everything which was wrong; and to reverse everything which they did, must, therefore, be right. This is the true character of the English government in practice, however different its theory; and it presents the singular phenomenon of a nation, the individuals of which are as faithful to their private engagements and duties, as honorable, as worthy, as those of any nation on earth, and whose government is yet the most unprincipled at this day known. In an absolute government there can be no such equiponderant parties. The despot is the government. His power suppressing all opposition, maintains his ministers firm in their places. What he has contracted, therefore, through them, he has the power to observe with good faith; and he identifies his own honor and faith with that of his nation.

      When I observed, however, that the King of England was a cypher, I did not mean to confine the observation to the mere individual now on that throne. The practice of Kings marrying only in the families of Kings, has been that of Europe for some centuries. *Now, take any race of animals, confine them in idleness and inaction, whether in a stye, a stable or a state-room, pamper them with high diet, gratify all their sexual appetites, immerse them in senualities, nourish their passions, let everything bend before them, and banish whatever might lead them to think, and in a few generations they become all body and no mind; and this, too, by a law of nature, by that very law by which we are in the constant practice of changing the characters and propensities of the animals we raise for our own purposes. Such is the regimen in raising Kings, and in this way they have gone on for centuries. While in Europe, I often amused myself with contemplating the characters of the then reigning sovereigns of Europe. Louis the XVI, was a fool, of my own knowledge, and in despite of the answers made for him at his trial. The King of Spain was a fool, and of Naples the same. They passed their lives in hunting, and dispatched two couriers a week, one thousand miles, to let each other know what game they had killed the preceding days. The King of Sardinia was a fool. All these were Bourbons. The Queen of Portugal, a Braganza, was an idiot by nature. And so was the King of Denmark. Their sons, as regents, exercised the powers of government. The King of Prussia, successor to the great Frederick, was a mere hog in body as well as in mind. Gustavus of Sweden, and Joseph of Austria, were really crazy, and George of England, you know, was in a straight waistcoat. There remained, then, none but old Catherine, who had been too lately picked up to have lost her common sense. In this state`Bonaparte found Europe; and it was this state of its rulers which lost it with scarce a struggle. These animals had become without mind and powerless; and so will every hereditary monarch be after a few generations. Alexander, the grandson of Catherine, is as yet an exception. He is able to hold his own. But he is only of the third generation. His race is not yet worn out. And so endeth the book of Kings, from all of whom the Lord deliver us, and have you, my friend, and all such good men and true, in his holy keeping.

    Th Jefferson   

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sun, Apr 13 2014 10:00 AM

    13 April ... 

    Edit ... looks like SP and I were typing at the same time.  Great post SP.  I posted a separate comment about Thomas Jefferson.

    I'm leaving the most popular "Thomas" for SP ... also the golfer 3rd Love.

    It's day four of the Masters at Augusta ... and quite a tight race.  After day 2, I was sure Bubba would simply run away with it ... now there's talk about the "youngest" ever to wear the green jacket.  Sorry Jordan ... I put $5 on you.  Here's hoping I didn't put my usual hex on you!

    Today's tributes:

    I've got to give tribute to these two great singers ... first, Al Green is 68 today.  What a voice! Second, Peabo Bryson is 63.  I'm sure those of you elder married folks out there have heard these two singers, and probably had either one or both of them playing in the background of either your wedding reception or maybe even your childrens!


    • PGA Golfer Davis Love III is 50
    • Playwright Samuel Beckett (1906 - 1989)
    • Author Eudora Welty (1909 - 2001)
    • Author Christopher Hitchens ( 1949 - 2011)
    • Actor/Comedian Don Adams (Get Smart fame) (1923 - 2005)


    • Singer Lowell George (1945 - 1979)
    • Songwriter Nellie McKay is 32


    • Ron Perlman is 64
    • Caroline Rhea is 50
    • Tony Dow (played "the Beav's" big brother Wally Cleaver) is 69
    • Kelli Giddish is 34
    • Jonathan Brandis (1976 - 2003)
    • Ricky Schroder is 44
    • Kyle Howard is 36
    • Lyle Waggoner is 79
    • William Sadler is 64
    • Paul Sorvino is 75
    • Courtney Peldon is 33
    • Saundra Santiago is 57

    Tribute videos:

    First off ... Al Green:

    And now, Peobo Bryson ... from Disney's Aladdin: 

    Enjoy the excitement of day 4, everyone ... and come on Jordan ... break my hex! (please)!!!!

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sun, Apr 13 2014 10:18 AM


    April 13

                                                 1743 - Thomas Jefferson

    I was mentally counting books I have read about Mr. Jefferson. The number is 30+. Most twice, others thrice, some all the time. I am addicted to this great, interesting, most important man. What he thought, what he did, what he saw, how he lived. There is much to read about with amazement.

    I am also captivated by this great writer.  I love the letters shared he shared between John and Abigail Adams after both had left the chair of President.  If you don't own the book, I highly recommend it.  Also, Thomas Jefferson: Writings ... what an amazing writer.  Well ahead of his time.