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Taking another break from the RG's

Mon, Jan 27 2014 1:29 AM (46 replies)
  • tramilleo
    1,910 Posts
    Sun, Jan 19 2014 11:02 PM

    I'm just happy to make a profit and maybe it's their way of sharing the wealth. Corporate communists they are. LOL


  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Mon, Jan 20 2014 5:21 PM

    Now it's happening on the freebies, too!  Is that because I haven't donated enough to the WGT fund lately?  You guys kill me....  18 hole BPB weekly thing, start out with 4 birdies and an eagle in the first 5 holes... then the fun starts!   6th hole, simple straight in 7 footer that shows ZERO break from both sides, chip view... blah blah blah..  Ding the putt and it doesn't scare the hole.  Then on 7, long par 4.. get it to 8 feet and we get the violent near-360 lipout.  6 under thru 7 and I withdraw to save myself the inevitable pain. 

    Hey, WGT, just for you guys I'll play a couple RG's tonight so you can bank a few more sheckles and maybe I won't get screwed on every free tourney, too... Deal?  lol...  What  will they think of next?

  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 5:02 PM

    Took a bit of a break from the RG's, and last night everything went as good as ever.  Played the 18 hole par 5 RG with high winds and had mostly crosswinds... a few helping winds and 2 holes where the wind was against (on holes I wouldn't reach in two anyway).  Shot -18 and tied for 2nd.

    Played the Congressional RG with high winds and came in 1st with a 56.  No lipouts... no funny business..  Nice to see once in awhile.

    The real test is what is gonna happen

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 5:38 PM


    Took a bit of a break from the RG's, and last night everything went as good as ever.  Played the 18 hole par 5 RG with high winds and had mostly crosswinds... a few helping winds and 2 holes where the wind was against (on holes I wouldn't reach in two anyway).  Shot -18 and tied for 2nd.

    Played the Congressional RG with high winds and came in 1st with a 56.  No lipouts... no funny business..  Nice to see once in awhile.

    The real test is what is gonna happen

    You might want to talk to the players complaining about getting nothing but headwinds in the par5 RG. They think they got stiffed. ;)

  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 5:57 PM


    You might want to talk to the players complaining about getting nothing but headwinds in the par5 RG. They think they got stiffed. ;)

    Totally agree.  I am one of those who usually complains.  I had mentioned in this thread that when I am getting thrashed by the conditions I've stopped playing RG's for awhile (I play them often) and found that when I come back after a short break the conditions seem to be more agreeable and the VEM and the lipouts are not as frequent.  Just saying that is what happened last night.  Let's see how long it takes me to see that again.. ;)

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 6:50 PM

    Let's see how long it takes me to see that again.. ;)

    Did you purchase that sleeve of balls before you teed off or during the round? Recent purchase history is my conspiracy theory. Before I teed off for the second round of the free multiround today I decided to test my theory and bought a sleeve of balls even though I had a half dozen in my bag. Went on to shoot -7 on the back nine of Olympic, a course I usually struggle on, including four approaches that ended up within a foot. Maybe my tinfoil hat is getting a little too tight...

  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 8:15 PM


    Did you purchase that sleeve of balls before you teed off or during the round?

    Hadn't thought of that before.  I only buy balls when I'm prompted to.  I didn't buy any last night though.

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 8:19 PM

    I didn't buy any last night though.

    Your activity says otherwise... that's why I asked :)

  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2014 9:01 PM

    He shot 56 at bethpage but he said congo thats the problem with people these days they dont even know what they were playing.

  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Sat, Jan 25 2014 5:18 AM


    I didn't buy any last night though.

    Your activity says otherwise... that's why I asked :)

    Interesting... pretty sure I reloaded last night, not the night before.