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Something very special - #3 - starts 1/13/14

Mon, Jan 20 2014 10:04 PM (76 replies)
  • Tamsach
    2,823 Posts
    Tue, Jan 14 2014 2:55 PM

    This was my last try with UL. I already thought that is completely unrealistic. This round in Oakmont has been over all my expectations.U have never seen Tiger Woods in the rough, aiming east for going south.....  I can manage the green speed but for UL I should need some years to just have an idea of what to do, perhaps. Tks WGT for this initiative, anyway. Byeeee

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Jan 14 2014 4:44 PM


    PS..does affect average, went from 57.88 to 57.99


    haha i noticed mine went up also. Doesnt bother me though. Avg means nothing. 


    And doesn't bother me either or I wouldn't have completed round..

    But still, it should be the same as the original 'crazy' shoe comp ( way back ) when score didn't count to ave, after all, we are guessing speeds and playing formats not au fait with.

    Some still have goals to 'achieve' so that ^^ may be more of a disincentive than the entry fee ?



  • Ianzzz
    6,370 Posts
    Tue, Jan 14 2014 5:11 PM

    I noticed that it affected average also - went from 59.99 to 76 !     lol

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Wed, Jan 15 2014 12:09 AM

    Oh, no way!!!

    I just got kicked out of the tourney getting the "deadline has passed" message, when the tourney setup says it's 24 hrs from 1am Pacific:

    Each round lasts 24hrs (last 48hrs) - starts 1/13/14 1am PT

    Granted I was missing more putts than I care to mention, but still... feeling pretty pissed right now.

    I knew I was going to struggle to fit it in with these 24 hr rounds, but REALLY wanted to have a crack at R4 at Whistler, so decided to stay up late tonight to get it played. Would have played faster if I'd known I only had till midnight.... Aaarggghhh!!!

    At least I went out on a high, with a nice approach to 2.5ft on #14  ;)

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Jan 15 2014 12:20 AM


    Oh, no way!!!

    I just got kicked out of the tourney getting the "deadline has passed" message, when the tourney setup says it's 24 hrs from 1am Pacific:

    Each round lasts 24hrs (last 48hrs) - starts 1/13/14 1am PT

    Granted I was missing more putts than I care to mention, but still... feeling pretty pissed right now.

    I knew I was going to struggle to fit it in with these 24 hr rounds, but REALLY wanted to have a crack at R4 at Whistler, so decided to stay up late tonight to get it played. Would have played faster if I'd known I only had till midnight.... Aaarggghhh!!!

    At least I went out on a high, with a nice approach to 2.5ft on #14  ;)

    I guess I was wrong and it's 3am :(


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Wed, Jan 15 2014 12:25 AM

    No, it's midnight Pacific time!

    If it had stated later than the deadline, no-one would have been adversely affected... but when the deadline is created earlier than the stated tourney conditions, it's pretty much inevitable that someone's going to come a cropper. Not feeling very happy right now... 

    I still very much appreciate these tourneys. Thanks for responding, Icon.

    P.S. Perhaps you could amend your first page post to 12:00am so that others get the right heads-up?


    P.P.S. I'm struggling a little with this one right now, lol  ;)

    5. By entering this tourney, you promise only to have positive thoughts of wgticon

    1,642 Posts
    Wed, Jan 15 2014 3:44 AM
  • Hanswurst72
    1,097 Posts
    Wed, Jan 15 2014 5:13 AM

    Without a doubt the dumbest round I ever played at WGT, including two consecutive double bogeys at #9 and 10... in tough conditions, faults are not acceptable, should have thought about that before. Especially giving yourself downhill putts here is not too smart =)

  • Dougie4042
    4,410 Posts
    Wed, Jan 15 2014 5:25 AM


    I feel your pain, brother.  Terrible round put forth by yours truly, and there were some self inflicted wounds as usual, but I don't know how I'm supposed to putt on these screwball greens.  Icon, you're a good guy, you really do try, but it was very silly to set the green speed to extremely fast at Oly.  You should've reserved that green speed for Oakmont and then set the greens to slow at Oly.  Oly is in a category all its own when it comes to the breaks of the greens.  They are more affected by tinkering with the green speed than those at Oakmont. 

    Just my opinion.  :)

  • SReesor
    286 Posts
    Wed, Jan 15 2014 5:37 AM

    I beat myself up real bad on this round. I knew the speeds were going to be tricky having played in the first two Crazy Tourny's but I made all the mistakes myself. Didn't drive well or hit enough greens (<60%) and those I did hit I was always above the hole even after checking where to land it before hitting the approaches. All around a very poor effort on my part. 

    Great experience though, still learning...