hi alosso
have read a few of your post, maybe you can help in regards to the tiers and averages. I understand the whole saturated system, but also would like to know, does other formats influence your average as well.
as myself ( not playing as much lately) but my dad every day. where we both are master level, same rated clubs, I can shoot a standard 70 most of the time, 74 at most, my dad (coppiesvc) plays mostly 9 hole and have shot under par maybe 12 times ( 2 or 3 under) in his last 70 9 hole rounds as a master. yet his average drops steadily down everyday. (63.4 now)
he plays allot of match play, does this affect your average as well?
would like to know if you could explain, as to me the average given in not a true reflection of your ability, but just another way to make sure you are force to the next level and to eventually upgrade your equipment to have a chance at tournaments.