Sorry, I got you wrong before in multiple aspects. Most of all, we were talking of different subjects, single tournaments vs. the Virtual Tour.
I see now that ioa, trans are the tournaments - I was searching in the players' names ;)
Your observation follows the usual procedure, seen in each monthly tournament: The tier of entering the tournament fixes the final leaderboard regardless of any intermediate promotion. Hans started the Transamerica as a Legend, and despite of his promotion he finished in the Legend leaderboard.
The point is, this procedure is being copied for the year-long Championship. Here, too, Hans started as a Legend, and, AFAIS, he will stay in the Legend leaderboard till December.
What exactly is " the tier based virtual tour "? "
It's the year-long competition wrapping around ioa, trans, GolfNow and the other monthly tournaments. See the second tab in the "tournaments" menu at the top for details and the tiered "total credits" leaderboards.