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WGT Tour - Tier improvement??!

Mon, Apr 21 2014 4:01 PM (37 replies)
  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 1:52 AM

    Sorry, I got you wrong before in multiple aspects. Most of all, we were talking of different subjects, single tournaments vs. the Virtual Tour.

    I see now that ioa, trans are the tournaments - I was searching in the players' names ;)

    Your observation follows the usual procedure, seen in each monthly tournament: The tier of entering the tournament fixes the final leaderboard regardless of any intermediate promotion. Hans started the Transamerica as a Legend, and despite of his promotion he finished in the Legend leaderboard.

    The point is, this procedure is being copied for the year-long Championship. Here, too, Hans started as a Legend, and, AFAIS, he will stay in the Legend leaderboard till December.


    What exactly is " the tier based virtual tour "? "

    It's the year-long competition wrapping around ioa, trans, GolfNow and the other monthly tournaments. See the second tab in the "tournaments" menu at the top for details and the tiered "total credits" leaderboards.


  • oilyrag
    875 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 5:44 AM

    shall we try again :)



    wgt virtual tour - overall leaderboard - legend tier

    ioa tournament - tour master section


    transamerica tournament - legend tier


    now ...... lets look at the pro tier ....


    wgt virtual tour - overall leaderboard - pro section


    score history of current pro section leader



    the 2 examples are contradictory ....

    so ... I ask again ... sarcastically ... to 



    What exactly is the wgt "tier based virtual tour" 


  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 6:30 AM

    I see your point mate!

    Alas, looking into detail, it may not be a contradiction and my point may be void.

    LyonWoulds (Legend) has scored and won credits (7th and 1st) in different tiers of both tournaments. He has been lifted to the higher tier after the second.

    Lasmastar (TP) has won the first but has not posted a second round in the second. His scoreboard entry is untouched from the first tournament (compare the winning, 25.20 $ (1) and 2520 crs)

    My example, (now a Master), has finished both tournaments in different tiers but only shared the purse in the first one. His entry, too, is untouched in the TP leaderboard.

    Thus, today's conclusion is that players are promoted to the highest tier scoreboard  where they win credits.

    (1) Aside: in contradiction to the T&Cs

  • slillico
    393 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 2:23 PM


    Thus, today's conclusion is that players are promoted to the highest tier scoreboard  where they win credits.

    (1) Aside: in contradiction to the T&Cs

    That makes, so as soon as Hans for ie wins any credits in the TL side, his credits from the legend side will move to TL side.

    So come November, the leading Legend could be 1 on the list for legends, but the credit total would be 74th on the TL side, said legend would be wise to avoid winning credits on the TL side then and keep the #1 spot on the Legend side. Assuming I have understood it right.


  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 2:44 PM

    True (for now) if he'd tier up in between and if there are any tiered season-wrapping prizes.

    Alas, we still don't know how the season's final championship's participants will be chosen.

    If tiered, your thought would stand,

    if "all-in-one-leaderboard", each chance should be used to collect some more, regardless of the tier.

    Since the maximum purse is in the TL tier, I suspect that anybody winning two Majors as a TL or contending constantly in that tier will be invincable if not by the Champion himself.

  • slillico
    393 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 2:54 PM

    Ok this seems clear to me, it's all right here.

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 3:03 PM

    O my - much easier and good enough - though not precise in all detail.

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 5:52 PM

    Lasmastar (TP) has won the first but has not posted a second round in the second. His scoreboard entry is untouched from the first tournament (compare the winning, 25.20 $ (1) and 2520 crs)

    And the reason why he's not posted the final round is the fact his account no longer exists. If you can't find the name through WGT players search tab, it indicates the account has been closed by either the account holder or by the WGT.

    Cheers, Matt

  • slillico
    393 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 6:34 PM

    RoarEMackElroy gone also.

    They seem to be cleaning house.

  • oilyrag
    875 Posts
    Mon, Mar 10 2014 2:15 AM


    Ok this seems clear to me, it's all right here.



    made mockery of the possibility of this in an earlier post ...

    i just don't understand the logic of this.