golfman454ss: cmon really, 134 to pin into a 6 wind level elevation, used 135 club no spin and a ding
I am surprised at your choice of club and spin for that shot. 134 into a 6 wind no elevation change I'd hit 136. I charted the Nike 135yd 9I from the tee with no spin and no head/tail wind hits 144/145 with a L35 Callaway. That's too much club for the shot.
Here's a demo replay. Kia #1, red tee, Nike 9I no spin, full power, ding, cally L35 (same dist. & spin as the Max Slo-Meter Tour Pro) 1mph crosswind to a spot down 1ft. It carried 145.
As said above, the punch 8I is the shot to use.